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  1. loyalcrowlist

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    I have some tuna I'll give her. It's strange, I've never had this sort of issue before with any of my chicks. I'm using the same food as always but I might switch to a different brand as well just to be safe.
  2. loyalcrowlist

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    True. I was giving eggs (scrambled) as a treat before so I'll go back to that, I think.
  3. loyalcrowlist

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    Will do! I feel she's a little underweight though I admit my chickens are on the fat size so she could be a normal weight for a chick her age. I'm thinking of also adding supplements, just in case it's a problem of lacking a vitamin or something.
  4. loyalcrowlist

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    Update to this: We've stopped all extra treats and she still is attempting to eat anything that she possibly can. Today, my youngest was holding her and she almost ate my earring she pulled out of my ear. I've never seen a chick act like this, ever, and I'm actually not sure what to do. Could...
  5. loyalcrowlist

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    Yeah, we try to limit it to once a week type thing but I'm going to stop them all. I've been treating her just like all the other chicks I've hatched before but out of 40 something, she's the only one who has done this. Definitely going to cut them all out, though.
  6. loyalcrowlist

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    I have a pullet that's 2 months old. She's the only one of the very small clutch of eggs my bantam cochin was sitting on that hatched. She's also the only chick I've had raised by a hen. And she tries to eat everything. She eats pieces of bedding and her own feathers. If you try to stop her...
  7. loyalcrowlist

    Still learning..first timer!

    Different breeds will have different growth rates which can be confusing if you have a mixed flock, speaking from experience, but the males' comb will always grow faster than the females' across breeds.
  8. loyalcrowlist

    5 week old bantam mix gender

    thank you! that's what i thought but her dad was tricky so i've been worried.
  9. loyalcrowlist

    5 week old bantam mix gender

    so cupid is eight weeks old now and i thought i'd update the pictures. are we still thinking pullet for this one? they're very hard to get a comb picture of.
  10. loyalcrowlist

    5 week old bantam mix gender

    fingers crossed! I'd love to be able to keep this one. The dad was the sweetest roo ever.
  11. loyalcrowlist

    5 week old bantam mix gender

    This is Cupid, hatched Feb. 14th. They're the only chick that hatched out of the small clutch my bantam cochin hen sat. The hen is a silkie/bantam brahma mix and the rooster was some sort of bantam mix. Since their the only chick from my roo before I had to rehome him, I'm really curious to see...
  12. loyalcrowlist

    Rogue feather indicator of gender?

    oh good! I had to rehome the rooster so I've been a little obsessed over this chick, haha.
  13. loyalcrowlist

    Rogue feather indicator of gender?

    This chick was hatched Feb. 14th so I think it's a little too earlier to really tell what it is but I know generally hens have a more uniform feather coloration so I was wondering if this feather is an indicator of anything? For reference, the dad also had a feather like this. (The parents are a...
  14. loyalcrowlist

    Silkie thread!

    @Sylvester017 Awww I love partridge silkies <3 <3 They look like teddy bears to me!
  15. loyalcrowlist

    Rooster chirping/trilling at night near new chicks, does it mean something?

    When we finally let them meet each other without a cage between them, he was really intent on 'herding' them around! I definitely think he was trying to get the chicks to be with the rest of his little flock.
  16. loyalcrowlist

    Silkie thread!

    I thought since it's coming up on her birthday next month, I'd post some pictures of Harlow! She's my only silkie but I adore her so so much. She's so sweet and loves to cuddle.
  17. loyalcrowlist

    Polish hen's wattles are different sizes.

    That's kind of what I thought! Her and her friend are the only two hens that I didn't raise from chicks so I wasn't sure.
  18. loyalcrowlist

    Polish hen's wattles are different sizes.

    My Polish hen, Tax Evasion, came to me when someone dumped her and her friend in my backyard, I assume because we were the closest people with chickens. They weren't in good shape and had scaly leg and I still put vaseline on because they both seem to have dry skin issues. Anyway, I have no idea...
  19. loyalcrowlist

    cockerel raising/fluffing up neck feathers but doesn't seem aggressive?

    Hi! So I have a bantam cockerel, he was hatched at the end of Sept. I've had cockerels before but I've never seen this exact type of behavior and I wanted to make sure I'm not missing a sign that he's uncomfortable or aggressive/upset. I included a picture of the neck fluff and then his...
  20. loyalcrowlist

    Product to use for mites?

    Not that I can find but I'm still looking! A lot of articles online recommend some organic pesticides but that makes me a little nervous.
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