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  1. CountryWomanFarms

    Chicken with worms

    It’s going to take almost a week to get it since it isn’t in stock at my local store. But I have equine fly spray and it contains permethrin is this okay?
  2. CountryWomanFarms

    Chicken with worms

    So a few days ago I noticed one of my chickens seemed a bit off but I chalked it up to it being an unusually hot day. But tonight when I went to close up the coop she was laying on the ground not moving so I checked her out and she couldn’t stand, had some poop stuck to her butt, and felt a bit...
  3. CountryWomanFarms

    Chicken with worms

    So a few days ago I noticed one of my chickens seemed a bit off but I chalked it up to it being an unusually hot day. But tonight when I went to close up the coop she was laying on the ground not moving so I checked her out and she couldn’t stand, had some poop stuck to her butt, and felt a bit...
  4. CountryWomanFarms

    What type of Maran is this?

    Thanks for everyone for your input! I wanted to update since it’s been a few weeks now, she’s got a some white in her wings but the rest of her is completely black, no copper feathers to be seen.
  5. CountryWomanFarms

    baby broilers chicks age = 5 days

    The dust from the feed is most likely the cause of sneezing. This is totally optional but you can wet it if you want too to eliminate the dust you just have to make sure that you don’t let it sit longer than twenty four hours to prevent mold from developing, but you don’t have to they’ll be fine...
  6. CountryWomanFarms

    baby broilers chicks age = 5 days

    I can’t be certain what exactly is causing the sneezing, it could be something environmental like dust but that is usually from using wood shavings as bedding and from the photos you posted it doesn’t look like your using those. Is the room they’re in dusty? If there isn’t discharge coming...
  7. CountryWomanFarms

    baby broilers chicks age = 5 days

    They open their beaks and pant like that when they are too hot. The poop on the butts is called pasty butt and it can also be caused by over heating and also stress. To fix the pasty butt you need to wash their butts with warm water then make sure you dry them thoroughly (a hair dryer on a warm...
  8. CountryWomanFarms

    Broody Chicken Being attacked by other Chickens. Plus, how to clean chickens.

    When I have a broody hen I usually remove her from the nesting box, collect all the eggs and block off the nesting box so she can’t go in there until morning when I open it back up for everyone to lay. It usually does the trick in a day or two but another way I’ve heard to break the broody...
  9. CountryWomanFarms

    Need advice on sneezing 10 day old chick

    Is there any mucus or discharge coming from her nostrils?
  10. CountryWomanFarms

    What type of Maran is this?

    So I just got this chick from tractor supply and they had her labeled as a maran but no more specifics I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me what her coloring will be when fully feathered?
  11. CountryWomanFarms

    Worried Chicken Mom

    They open their beaks and pant like that when they’re hot, they also lift their wings little away from their bodies. Make sure she has access to water and a shady spot to go to where she can get out of the sun. As long as she’s eating and drinking and acting otherwise normal I wouldn’t worry.
  12. CountryWomanFarms

    Weird feathers?

    I’ve never had Orpingtons but they look okay to me, chicks definitely go through an ‘awkward stage’ while they feather out. Roos can have a more difficult time feathering than pullets but nothing about the picture makes me think they are roos. Good luck with them!
  13. CountryWomanFarms

    Outside time

    You can scatter some treats for your adult girls around the outside of the baby’s enclosure so that they spend some time around the little ones safely.
  14. CountryWomanFarms

    Chicks not feathering at 8 weeks old

    The extra protein from the scrambled egg should help. They need lots of protein to grow feathers but other than that and your change of feed I don’t know what else you could do I’ve never heard of anything like this happening. Wishing you the best of luck.
  15. CountryWomanFarms

    New to chickens, wondering if I have Roos or hens

    Nothing definitely saying rooster probably too early to tell give it a few weeks don’t worry about it too much though I’ve had rooster scares before and they turned out to be female in the end. As for your mystery chick I’d say still sapphire gem. Just younger than your other. Heres a photo of...
  16. CountryWomanFarms

    Glad to be here!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - I first got my first chicken in 2019. We took her from a family friend because she was injured and he didn’t want to deal with it then we raised up a few little chicks so she wouldn’t be lonely and the rest is history. Each year we...
  17. CountryWomanFarms

    Barred Rock Gender help

    Both boys. Girls would have smaller combs and dark washes over their feet.
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