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  1. J

    Merging 2 flocks to 1 coop

    Me again :) so first attempt was basically a disaster. I got a cage that is 30x19x21 (is that big enough?). I put it in the coop earlier and then tried adding the little girls after the big girls got on the roost. The little girls were freaking out (is this normal?) jumping up/not really...
  2. J

    Merging 2 flocks to 1 coop

    Yes, so there has since been a door added to the right side in that pic. How big does it need to be? There’s 6 of the little girls. Do they need a perch? And how long do I do this before they go to the coop with no barrier?
  3. J

    Merging 2 flocks to 1 coop

    This is the best i have at the moment since it’s dark. It looks smaller than it is but it’s not huge. I think it’s like a 4ft long, 5ft wide and 4ft tall. The inside now has 2 rooster bars that sit higher and make an upside down “L” if that makes sense. The coop door is also automatic now
  4. J

    Merging 2 flocks to 1 coop

    Ok, so I have supervised them all in the run together. For the most part, they kind of keep separate and do their own thing, but there are times when 2 of the big girls go after them and peck them. When that happens i “peck” the big girls with my fingers and tell them no (haha not sure if that...
  5. J

    Merging 2 flocks to 1 coop

    They have been in the run together, but separated by a cage. So they haven’t been in the run without separation. And I wouldn’t say without incident, haha. Nothing crazy but the other girls, especially our mean one, has gone after them and pecked them.
  6. J

    Merging 2 flocks to 1 coop

    We are adding 6 new chicks to our current group of 3 big girls. The new chicks are about 8 weeks also. We are currently letting them free range together (even though they don’t pay each other much mind) and then during the day, keeping them all in the run but separated by a gate. At night I put...
  7. J

    Vines for run

    We are in NC. This unfortunately wouldn’t work for us. The run basically enclosed by our shed and fence, if that makes sense. And there’s a tree in front of the run currently, that offers shade, but we would have to plant a tree on the other side of the fence that is not our property to do your...
  8. J

    Vines for run

    I need some suggestions please on vines to grow on our chicken run. It’s fully enclosed with a plastic UV roof but after recent tree trimming by the city, there’s more sun exposure than I’d like since it gets hot here. I’m looking for suggestions that are safe for both chickens and dogs and...
  9. J

    HELP! Chicken Eye Issue

    That’s ok!!! I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything “wrong” that needed to be addressed :) We call her Willa (one-eyed)
  10. J

    HELP! Chicken Eye Issue

    I do think it looks a little swollen. It always sticks out but it looks more than usual
  11. J

    HELP! Chicken Eye Issue

    A little background - about a year ago, one of our Rhode Island Reds was acting sick. She would just sit in the yard, wouldn’t really move and she had what looked like a white film over one of eyes. Initially we tried antibiotic injections but after 2 days of that, I took her to a vet. They...
  12. J

    What’s wrong with this baby?

    We just got 6 baby chicks yesterday and today, I just noticed the BCM opening its mouth like it’s gasping a bit? I included screenshots of the video since I don’t know how to attach one. It’s otherwise drinking/eating/moving. Is something wrong with it?
  13. J

    Random run laying and soft shell eggs

    I currently have 3 hens in my flock. We have been getting 2-3 eggs a day, all in the nesting box. To preface, our weather has been very up and down. One day it’s 80 and the next it’s cold and raining. Today I found an egg with a very soft shell (you may even say no shell. It was very jiggly)...
  14. J

    Chickens Laying Down in Run

    My girls seem to like to just sit down in the run, usually by the door or next to the door, where they can see out into the yard. Is this normal behavior??
  15. J

    HELP: what’s wrong with my chicken??

    I did earlier. Not horrible, sounded like she coughed once and then spit up that phlegm. She obviously feels fine since shes eating and evading me as I'm trying to get her to move her to the garage. No eyelid swelling, bubbles or foam. Looks completely fine except for the occasional coughing...
  16. J

    HELP: what’s wrong with my chicken??

    One of my girls seems to be showing a possible respiratory illness. Making kind of raspy noises, opening her mouth a lot and then coughed up what looked like a bunch of phlegm. She seems to be moving around and eating otherwise but definitely has something going on. She is molting very late and...
  17. J

    Behavior after pred attack

    Here’s a pic for reference. This was a year and a half ago when we moved them to the coop, so it’s changed some. It now has a wood roof. There is also boarding around the bottom of the shed and fencing because something kept getting in, just not killing any chickens (any ideas on that? The...
  18. J

    Behavior after pred attack

    I feel horrible regardless. They were our pets. I’m even harder on myself because I feel like it’s my responsibility to protect them and didn’t. To be honest, I’m not sure how this hasn’t happened before now. We are first time chicken owners and living in the city, I just didn’t think we would...
  19. J

    Behavior after pred attack

    Yes. My husband secured the run as best we could and we added one of those automatic coop doors that close during the night
  20. J

    Behavior after pred attack

    Oh, it was back the next night. I actually saw it. Decided to walk out back to check on the girls and when I turned the porch lights on, I saw it’s shadow scurry away from the door, climb and sit on the top of our fence looking at me, then ran off. It did look like a raccoon. Had a long, fluffy...
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