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  1. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    At night they have wide (4”) wooden planks for roosting. The bedding in the coop is a mix of hay straw and pine shavings, everything in their run is wood and the ground is just regular hard dirt / grass. In the coop I have a dropping board underneath the roosts with pine shavings so it keeps the...
  2. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    Thanks I will look into those food options! Is the all flock / grower pellet fine for the hens as well? We have oyster shells / crushed egg shells available for the hens and with treats it’s maybe only 2 times a week.
  3. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    We did end up doing that on the largest of the scabs and there was a pretty thick layer of hard brown and yellow tissue so I figure this is bumblefoot but I am not sure - is it possible for so many spots on his foot to have that infection!? Or bumblefoot plus something else
  4. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    We had another rooster who passed away from a bunch of puzzling symptoms who also had two spots on his feet. In that case we soaked and then removed the hard brown and yellow tissue. They eat layer feed (sorry I’m not sure if that’s enough details) and they get fruit and veggie scraps, free...
  5. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    A few weeks ago I noticed my roosters toes (one toe per foot) looked a bit swollen and he had scabs all over on the bottom which looked like bumblefoot. So I brought him in and gave Epson salt soak but after soaking the scabs looked like they were just on the very surface of the skin / nothing...
  6. barkingdoginn

    Frostbite on Roosters wattle

    Mine gets that every year during the first really cold snap and looks exactly like your photos. Where I live it can get down to -40 Celsius. What I have learned from three years of this - when it gets to be below 0 Celsius I add an aquarium heater to their water. The water bucket I use is the...
  7. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    Just an update - he is about the same still can’t sit up or use his legs to get around. One leg is very clearly more active than the other, when he’s in his sling he can push on the ground with it. The leg that had the “larger” of the bumblefoot scabs has little mobility, kind of just hangs out...
  8. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    Made him a little sling so he can relax and take a load off. So far he’s still the same can’t really sit up on his own or stand, he was able to curl his toes up better today on his more limp leg and eating / drinking fine. Will just let him relax and hopefully see if he gets more mobile. Any...
  9. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    We have another rooster who he’s pretty ok with, this guy is smaller and definitely not an instigator and neither is the other guy. the pic of the foot was the worse of the two. We added some new hens about 4 months ago. We now have him inside resting. No I haven’t seen that disease before with...
  10. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    My rooster is almost 2, on Wednesday I went to tuck them in and he was in the nest box laying on his side. He seemed like he wasn’t able to use his legs well and was pretty wobbly on them so I brought him inside. Later on that night we see hard black spots on the bottom of both his feet, one...
  11. barkingdoginn

    Water belly or normal hen belly?

    We have 9 hens and we get about 4 eggs a day so not everyone is lying daily, they’re just over 2 years old. They are columbian rock cross I think those are dual purpose and are generally on the larger side. I can feel the keel bone under their belly but near their back just under their vent...
  12. barkingdoginn

    Water belly or normal hen belly?

    We have a hen that was very obviously in discomfort from water belly- very large swollen belly which we were able to drain out a ton of clear yellow fluid. I am now not sure if other hens also have water belly to a lesser extent or I’m just paranoid!! I am wondering what should a regular hen...
  13. barkingdoginn

    Hen losing chin/neck feathers

    Interesting! I tried to spy on them on the weekend to see if someone was pecking them but I didn’t see anything. Maybe I will try giving them extra protein / activities and then spy on them extra hard to find out who’s doing it. First time in 1.5 years of having birds where it’s a noticeable...
  14. barkingdoginn

    Hen losing chin/neck feathers

    Hello, I have a 9 month old hen and over the last 1.5-2 weeks I noticed the feathers on her chin/throat area are gone, like a complete bald patch. Every night it looks like new feathers are about to grow out from the skin and then a day later they are broken off again. One day she had a little...
  15. barkingdoginn

    Rooster wattle / comb keep changing colour

    Thanks everyone for all your advice!!
  16. barkingdoginn

    Rooster wattle / comb keep changing colour

    So this is how he’s looking as of today (pic below) he’s has a good appetite and drinking water normally since the first purple face day. We did switch to the nozzle waterer early winter after the frostbite incident. He’s acting totally normal too lots of screaming and eating and humping. The...
  17. barkingdoginn

    Rooster wattle / comb keep changing colour

    Update: as of yesterday evening his face has returned totally back to normal red!
  18. barkingdoginn

    Rooster wattle / comb keep changing colour

    They do have a coop that stays a pretty good temp and lots of vents at the top. He’s had frostbite on his comb and chin this winter and it’s in the slow healing process but we deduced the prior frostbite to his face touching the water while drinking and the cold metal feeder, both issues have...
  19. barkingdoginn

    Rooster wattle / comb keep changing colour

    Nothing out of the ordinary at all in terms of symptoms. He’s the only chicken whose face has changed colour (no hens have) and it’s the first time it’s happened.
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