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  1. Shewstock

    Rescues: Sexlink and Sapphire Gem gender please?

    Thank you, Jed. I was almost positive but then my rooster was treating them like they were competition and it messed me up!
  2. Shewstock

    Rescues: Red sexlink & Sapphire Gem. Stuck on sex. Experts please.

    I cannot delete the first post without photos! I tried to edit it and add photos but they weren't coming through. Sorry! I deleted and it wouldn't let me!
  3. Shewstock

    Rescues: Red sexlink & Sapphire Gem. Stuck on sex. Experts please.

    These were rescued. I need input on gender.
  4. Shewstock

    Why Have a Rooster?

    LOL! TRUE!!
  5. Shewstock

    1st time broody off eggs in cooler less humid day

    Sigh of relief. Thank you!!! I was hoping to read something like that!
  6. Shewstock

    1st time broody off eggs in cooler less humid day

    My broody hen, Miss Gray, leaves her eggs only 20 minutes +/- and not every day. Our nights are getting cooler. Will be in 50s on Monday. The eggs should be hatching about then. I have a brooder made of thin cloth. I had planned to put her in there with her eggs. But I'm actually afraid to mess...
  7. Shewstock

    Bielefelder/Naked Neck cross

    My outcome of my Bielefelder roo and my Transylvania Naked Neck. I was blessed with a pullet. Butterball (BB for short). Momma is Tink (TNN) & Daddy is Blondie (Bielefelder. Born very blonde). Next picture is current. Her feathers coming in. I'll post her in September. She did not have the...
  8. Shewstock

    Gender and breed help for rescued beauty. Approx 16 wks old. TYIA!

    Oh, ok!! I'm making a journal so I don't ask the same questions. I absolutely LOVE this app!! I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about chickens!! ☺I used this app to do my research before actually jumping off into the deep end. I'm so very glad I had this awesome tool, too!!! Thank you...
  9. Shewstock

    Gender and breed help for rescued beauty. Approx 16 wks old. TYIA!

    She came from an abusive foul mouthed jerk living in Indian Mound TN. He should NOT be allowed to be a member of BYC! He should be blocked and NEVER SOLD ANY ANIMAL!! EVER! The soles of her feet are the same as her feet tops and legs. No feathering seen at this time. Those that have replied, the...
  10. Shewstock

    Gender and breed help for rescued beauty. Approx 16 wks old. TYIA!

    Thank you! I guess I need to wait and see if it's a cockerel or pullet. It's a beautiful bird!
  11. Shewstock

    Can ESA override city ordinance?

    I would contact the ADA!!! She CLEARLY is DISABLED. An ADA SERVICE ANIMAL doesn't necessarily have to be a dog! ADA.GOV. DO NOT CONTINUE using the current physician. Use a different one AND have her get a psychological evaluation by a licensed psychologist! ADA Americans with Disability Act...
  12. Shewstock

    Gender help, please. Rescues too late to tell

    Thank you all very much for your help!
  13. Shewstock

    Gender help, please. Rescues too late to tell

    I know breed, thanks. The ??? is GENDER
  14. Shewstock

    Gender help, please. Rescues too late to tell

    Sparce feathers. This phone!
  15. Shewstock

    Gender help, please. Rescues too late to tell

    They're rescues that had no feathers due to being eaten alive by mites and lice. Some others had some feathering but were sparce. My guess was in the 6-8 weeks. That was June 21st
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