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  • Users: Whiskybear
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Whiskybear

    I wanna rant!

    I spent 12+yrs on hiatus from W2 type employment to keep my grandparents out of medicare level nursing home "care." That stint recently ended with the death of my grandmother, right before my 55th birthday. Since, I’ve been looking for a job because my savings is long gone and (minimal, but not...
  2. Whiskybear

    Yard sale chicken furniture

    This is my chickens' first summer and I’ve been procrastinating on building something for shade and roostiing/climbing in their west-facing run. Procrastination pays! I just hit a few yard sales and picked up an old wooden coffee table and some old school chairs for less than the cost of 3...
  3. Whiskybear

    Catching chicken snacks

    Starting to raise chickens has provided entertainment from something that hasn’t been fun since I was a child. We called them June bugs until someone corrected us. Apparently June bugs have a wider body and iridescent exterior. Then we started calling them just hard-shelled bugs. As a kid I...
  4. Whiskybear

    Runty pullet

    Not exactly an emergency or disease, more like a curiosity matter on my part; but this was the most fitting forum I could see to ask. I have a young flock of Barred Rocks and ISA reds (Rock hatch didn’t go so well, so I picked up the others at TSC to have something to raise with the few I...
  5. Whiskybear

    Reliable heating pad

    I need recommendations for a reliable brand/model of heating pad for outdoor brooding. The "mama heating pad" tunnel is the idea, but nights will still be frosty, so it can’t decide to shut off on its own, etc… Y'all know what I need. There seem to be a million options and I’m not certain about...
  6. Whiskybear

    Brooding Coturnix he

    I have a Coturnix hen sitting on eggs. I noticed her pulling feathers and collecting the eggs in a pile over the weekend and decided to leave her alone and see what happened. Well, she went full on mama mode. While I think this is kinda cool, I have no idea what to do if she manages to actually...
  7. Whiskybear

    Breed suggestions?

    I’m preparing to get my first chickens, soon. Pretty sure I can figure out the keeping them alive part but I don’t want to start out with a bad choice. My priorities are, in this order: Weather hardiness… We get some nights at or below 0° F every winter, many summer days every year above 95°...
  8. Whiskybear

    New to the chicken side of BYC.

    I’ve been on BYC for a year now but keeping to the quail forum where I belong. Now I’m looking to get into chickens and know BYC is the place to look for guidance. I’ve been around chickens a bit, but never been the one really responsible for managing them. What I have seen are problems I would...
  9. Whiskybear

    Larger jumbo coturnix chicks available in N Ky region

    I have 37 chicks about to go out to the grow out pen. 2 weeks old today. These are from the hens that produced my 14 oz breeders for next year and from those younger, larger gals themselves. The larger of these chicks now will likely be the larger adults. I’m breeding for size because I want...
  10. Whiskybear

    Selective breeding cooperation

    My second post tonight, but on an entirely different topic. When I started with quail this time last year it was with the understanding that jumbo strains had been developed and that with such a fast breeding cycle, stock size could be optimized rapidly. I started this spring experimenting with...
  11. Whiskybear

    Water stage 2

    I’m a year into this with quail now. I’m starting to get the processes refined. Teaching them to drink a few different ways at stages of their growth is in the playbook. They start with a gravity trough under a mason jar; pebbles for the first day or two, then without. Around day 4 or 5 I...
  12. Whiskybear

    Quail Thunderdome

    Been a few threads about various aggression issues lately, so just a little anecdote: I culled a few extra males Saturday. In this heat, was only cleaning a couple at a time. When I went back after finishing the first two I opened the cage and reached in to grab a third… just as I was getting...
  13. Whiskybear

    Drinking nipples for quail.

    I wish to utilize horizontal drinking nipples for my jumbo coturnix. This being a half-cooked notion, I looked around the interwebs and found a cheap bag of no-name, plastic threaded ones. These seem way, way too tight for my quail to use. I could see chickens using them, but… nah, not quail...
  14. Whiskybear

    Shellacked chick- what to do?

    Hatch began yesterday, this morning I found one I’d seen pipping last night; did a jailbreak for it, let it dry…. early this afternoon I transferred them all (or so I thought) to the brooder. After, as I sifted through eggs and shells, found another one stuck but still moving, shell half zipped...
  15. Whiskybear

    So it begins…

    Got home a bit ago to find the third one just escaping the shell. gonna be a long night of playing midwife (I hope) with 48 more eggs.
  16. Whiskybear

    Today’s anomalies.

    This post is just for gits and shiggles. If ya have quail, maybe you can appreciate it. With 23 jumbo coturnix hens I collected 22 eggs today. I’ve learned that while there is an average, there is no normal for their eggs. Every day yields a few freaks. For today it was these three. For those...
  17. Whiskybear

    Jumbo runt rooster

    Just putting this out there... I keep jumbo Coturnix and made a bad pick for breeding stock. I picked these at 6 wks old around Halloween to be my winter breakfast egg layers and breeders come spring. One male didn’t keep growing like the other choices and I’ve eaten the options since. He's of...
  18. Whiskybear

    Tech is not my thing

    Greetings. I joined a few days ago and just now found this to post an introduction. I’m fairly certain my intro is not of much interest to anyone, really, so I’m just using this to try to figure out how to use this site's forums. If I can upload a pic or video, I will. But so as not to buck the...
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