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    Here’s some more for you!
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    I think you all could appreciate this YouTube Channel, he teaches us a lot about war horses with his own mounts
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    Broody Button Roo

    Oh my god Maybe he’s not so dumb after all. He’s discovered that being soft and feminine means the girls are less annoyed by him :lau I heard cooing whilst I was cleaning the tank, I look over and he’s bloody squatting for my red breasted hen, trilling away. She starts grooming his face...
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    Broody Button Roo

    He’s a bit of a twit so I’m not surprised they went off without him, but I did find it sweet that he seemed consoled by sitting on the egg like it made him feel like he had a purpose lol I try to help him out by giving him stuff to offer the girls but he mostly just annoys them and settles for...
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    Broody Button Roo

    I’ve taken the eggs now but I’ll see if I can catch him doing it again.
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    Broody Button Roo

    My bisexual button roo Cinnamon Toast has been relegated to sitting on eggs whilst the other roo, Cherry Pie, is with both hens chilling on the total opposite end of the tank He got cucked by all of them. I don’t blame them really. He’s just got no manners, no game, and is a bit dense… Looks...
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    can one button quail lay two eggs a day?

    I have 2 young hens (9.5 weeks old) and this morning there were FOUR eggs in there and not hidden anywhere either, just lying right out there in the open. I 100% didn't miss any before and they are extremely spoiled pet quail They are on quail breeder pellets with added calcium, get oyster...
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    Creating pairs/integrating buttons

    Eh, as long as they’re not killing eachother and everyone’s decently happy I guess And as long as I get eggs, which is what I was after The girls are just going about their business, not being shy but not being territorial or anything either. Yesterday they kind of just sat in one place not...
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    Creating pairs/integrating buttons

    Jesus F Christ I put the hens in and the boys are just huddled together in the f*cking corner eating millet. After all that treat offering and humping eachother I thought they had some game. They’re just looking at me then looking at her then looking me like ‘mom, what do I do’ Maybe offer...
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    Instuments anybody???

    It’s so cool you have access to a harp. I think cost is a huge barrier to entry for a lot of musicians. I used to sneak into the school music department stupid hours of the morning once I learned the key code so I could use the pianos in the practise rooms for the paying students. Music lessons...
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    What do you make? Handcrafted / Handmade / Made with Love

    Thank you. It took 25 solid hours and my neck and back are destroyed but glad it turned out ok. It is very challenging especially when you’ve just got a bag of clippings rather than wool roving. I was not aware of other people who regularly use only dog/cat hair. I’ve been using it exclusively...
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    humidity issues in the house with instruments

    I have damp in my home and haven’t bothered overhauling my flute in years because it will be a waste of hundreds… Can’t wait to live somewhere my case won’t go mouldy.
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    Instuments anybody???

    I also play by ear! Yeah I did music theory exams but I just. cannot. sight. read. So I always had to ask what music we were learning in advance to go listen to it before orchestra and sometimes I would transcribe it in letters on paper for myself
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    What do you make? Handcrafted / Handmade / Made with Love

    I made this portrait of a dog out of the dog
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    Instuments anybody???

    I play ukulele/guitar/bass, piano, flute and steel pan currently. Will play anything I can get my hands on if there’s YouTube videos to learn.
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    Mind if I smoke? 🥩🍖

    As we say in GB… F*ck me!
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    Creating pairs/integrating buttons

    I’m also planning to wait until 6/7 weeks but these two girls only have eachother so unless I’ve got another pair of bicurious birds I hope things will eventually work out
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    Creating pairs/integrating buttons

    Ok good to know. They have several wood and coconut shell hides/tunnels, plants and stuff to take cover in if necessary
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    Creating pairs/integrating buttons

    Thanks for your experience, that’s interesting that it’s the girls that can be mean. Is that defensiveness or do they actively go after them? I’ve seen a video of a hen chasing chasing a male for seemingly no reason but not sure how typical that is.
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