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  1. C

    1 chicken plus new flock following attack

    Curious about chicken behavior. My flock of 5 was attacked and killed by something on tuesday morning. We think it was a raccoon. They are somewhat free range but I have a secure run and coop. So they’ll now be locked in the run unless we can supervise. Here’s the deal, we have 1 polish hen...
  2. C

    Chicken flock murdered, one left…

    Well the worst case scenario played out this morning. Something got to the flock and kill 4/5 hens. No idea what did it but we now have one polish who made it unscathed but definitely shocked. She’s warm in the dark basement right now. It’s 20 deg F now with December coming in strong. We...
  3. C

    Lice or just bald patches…

    I just watched some YouTube videos. Seem most people use the 10% stuff but we got the 13.3% stuff so I diluted to .5oz/gal otherwise if you have the 10% you’ll want to bump up your oz/gal. People are pretty relaxed with this stuff, seems like a harsh chemical to me but I dunno. We’ll shoot...
  4. C

    Lice or just bald patches…

    Thanks that was super helpful. I sprayed all the places and above and under the roost. Letting it dry out now. So you can spray birds with this stuff? I’ve always been cautious with it, for humans you’re not supposed to have skin contact with it. Seems to not be the case with birds. Guess...
  5. C

    Lice or just bald patches…

    Worth noting she’s fairly high in the pecking order so not bullying most likely. I was reading the permethrin directions and it says about .5oz/gal of water and to spray the affect spot. Going to go super light with it but hit the spot and the feet. Spraying down the cleaned out coop and nest...
  6. C

    Lice or just bald patches…

    I have a Barred rock that has a big bald spot on her belly. Can’t see it unless we flip her over and investigate. All the other birds are pretty well covered but some do have a small patch in that area. She has the biggest for sure. I expected to find mites, or lice but honestly I can’t see...
  7. C

    Bumble Foot Question

    I wondered the same thing. So after removal of the kernel, 24hrs later it looked great and mostly closed up to my surprise. But we bana dated anyways. 48hrs later she started limping more and her toes were swollen. Upon removal of the bandage we saw no issue at the wound site. The area...
  8. C

    Bumble Foot Question

    Here’s pics from last night: I found an article on here about it. Pretty close to what I mentioned above. Added neosporin and using vetrimycin instead of Blu kote. It’s honestly not that bad, biggest tips are wrap the bird with a towel like a chicken burrito and cover the head too so it’s...
  9. C

    Please help I really need help what should I do my little chicks foot is bleeding please help!!!!!!!!

    I just learned about Blu Kote spray, good for cuts on feet as I understand. Especially cause they walk through poop all day 🤦‍♂️
  10. C

    Bumble Foot Question

    Hey guys, Noticed a golden wyandotte limping today. We took a look and in the center of the foot there is a kernel. It seems like it's hardened over and I don't see any pus, redness or really even any swelling. It's almost as if it was "meant to be there". Obviously it's not normal but I...
  11. C

    Egg Testing Options - for harmful chemicals?

    Hello! I'm curious if there is are any companies out there that test eggs for backyard chickens looking for high chemical content such as lead or other things. I'm not super concerned but it dawned on me that we bought this house in a suburb and the previous owner probably used weed killer in...
  12. C

    Molting or Disease

    Hmm felt her crop yesterday afternoon. Felt like a bean bag of rocks. Rather full. As for broody this one has not been. My other two are and we're constantly kicking them out of the nesting boxes at night. Seems the extreme cold is confusing them maybe. We keep dipping into the single...
  13. C

    Molting or Disease

    I'll try to post a pic following this post with my phone. But all my birds are coming on two years of age. I believe each one has successfully molted. They've come back in nicely. I have 6 chickens and they have nice quarters (4x8) coop and a large run + outside area. Anyway, there's one...
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