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  1. lv9777

    Should I be concerned?

    Any suggestions on what to do? It gets pretty cold in the winter in Michigan for a bare bottom. The roost is a 2X4 covered with felt, but she likes the bottom nesting box which backs up to the edge of the shed and some raw wood. I'll add some padding under the straw. Anything I can do to...
  2. lv9777

    Should I be concerned?

    This is my Cochin who goes broody all the time. She is currently considering broody but has not committed. I know that they will pull feathers when broody, but this seems extreme. Is this bare bottom normal or should I be concerned? She seems to be eating and drinking as normal. I don't see any...
  3. lv9777

    Bullying injury to young hen

    Her sister just has a small scab. She runs away, the injured hen does not. I let her out as she was having a fit in the cage. Everyone is now roosted and quiet. I think I will cage her as late as possible so that the morning is not a problem. I can't keep the flap on her head. I just hope she...
  4. lv9777

    Bullying injury to young hen

    Thank you. I just noticed that her sister (same age) has a bit of blood on her head as well. Can I keep them in the same cage or will they peck the bloody spots? I had her in a cage, but she seemed so stressed that I let her out again and cooped the suspected bully instead. I will cage her...
  5. lv9777

    Bullying injury to young hen

    Any idea how to keep it on her head? Unless I bandage her entire head it won't stay on. I saw my other RIR pecking her, but she has never drawn blood before. This is the first bullying I have had in my small group.
  6. lv9777

    Bullying injury to young hen

    I had a broody raise two RIR chicks in the fall and they are now laying. I also did this the previous year and everyone integrated fine. Things seemed to be going well with the everyone util now. One of my young hens has been scalped. I have never had bloodshed prior. My 2 yr old RIR is second...
  7. lv9777

    Help me decide: chicks or pullets?

    I have had both chicks and pullets and I think that breed and personality matter more than the age you get them. I have had a chick raised from hatch that still thinks I am going to kill it someday and is just skittish and a pullet who is very tame. If you want docile, easy going ,kid friendly...
  8. lv9777

    what is your favorite breed of chicken?

    Like children, each breed I own has something I love. I love the personality and intelligence of my Plymouth Rock. I love the sweetness of my Cochins. I love the eggs and consistent laying of my Maran. I will say, my least favorite (but still loved) girls are my RIR's.
  9. lv9777

    Pecking order and teenager adoption by top hen, normal behavior?

    All flock it is for the rest of the winter as I dont expect eggs till spring. Thank you!
  10. lv9777

    Pecking order and teenager adoption by top hen, normal behavior?

    Also, I am at the end of the grower crumbles. Can I buy layer feed with the chicks at 12/13 weeks or do I have to do another bag of the expensive stuff? How vital is the 16 week mark?
  11. lv9777

    Pecking order and teenager adoption by top hen, normal behavior?

    I didn't realize that Roos will watch the teens. It does make sense as she has definitely taken on the rooster role. My nesting boxes are in the coop, so the flock is all together. I will start insisting that they roost. Thank you
  12. lv9777

    Pecking order and teenager adoption by top hen, normal behavior?

    I have a small flock of 6. My top hen, Marble, is a 4 yr old Barred rock, her best friend is a docile Cochin who by nature of this relationship gets to be number 2. This Cochin was broody again so I let her raise two RIR chicks. Once the chicks were a few weeks old, Marble started to roost in...
  13. lv9777

    Chicken flock murdered, one left…

    I had a Barred Rock live alone for 3 months. The extended time was her fault as she killed the first two eight week old pullets we tried. I was new to chickens and thought we were good after a week of separate but abutted runs. The next try was two 4 month old Cochins and she bonded with them...
  14. lv9777

    Hen on antibiotics, can she eat her own eggs?

    Yes makes sense. I am mixing it in her food so she is not getting 100% of the medication. Therefore a little extra this way can't hurt. Putting it in her food is so much less stressful for her and easy. By the time we are done with the medication, she will probably be done laying for the...
  15. lv9777

    Hen on antibiotics, can she eat her own eggs?

    I have a hen being treated for bumblefoot and I know we cannot her eggs for a while. My question is can she? I hate to throw them away and since she is already on the medication can I feed them to her. I wont let the other chickens eat them because we do not want any drug resistance in the...
  16. lv9777

    More complications with bumblefood

    I am so sorry for your loss. I just came home today from the vet who treated my hens bumblefoot. I was able to successfully treat one foot, but I could not get on top of the other foot. I was surprised that the vet used a block to do surgery on the foot and asked if putting her to sleep was an...
  17. lv9777

    loss of weight in 3 yr old barred rock

    I have a broody with two 4 week old chicks so she is eating Purina start-n-grow with the rest of flock with oyster shells available. My older hens have all stopped laying for the winter already. My only ones still laying are my one year olds.
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