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  1. chickie<3


    One of my 5 chickens went broody and sits in her nesting box all day FOR 2 MONTHS NOW. We had another one go broody and followed the normal 3 week cycle. She doesnt look healthy..her waddle looks very pale. What do i do?
  2. chickie<3

    Have My Girls Lost It???

    I have 5 two year old chickens...they all started molting about 3 to 4 weeks ago...they havent laid eggs since...and now they r sleeping in their nesting box and not on their roost...WIll they go back to their noraml routine eventually...or do i have to step in to get everything back to normal?
  3. chickie<3 Long?

    I have 5 chickens who are 18 months old....they r all egg laying....they have cute naked pink butts...When will they get their fuzzy butt back and go back to laying..i actually had to buy a dozen eggs the other killed me.
  4. chickie<3

    How do I stopped my chockens from eating their eggs after laying them?

    About 2 weeks ago one of my five chickens has gone broody...since then egg production has gone down from the rest of the girls...but i'm starting to think they r eating them...i have seen some yolks in the nesting box assumming they were fart eggs..but my husband saw one of the girls eat an...
  5. chickie<3

    ?? Bald spots on neck??

    We have a 9 month old Black Jesey Giant...along with 4 other chickens. The jersey giant is acting normal, eating, drinking, laying, playing, but she has lost feathers along her neck in 2 spots on opposing sides of her neck. Its clean, no bugs, no red, no scabs, no blood. What do you think it...
  6. chickie<3

    Is this normal for his comb??

    i think its definately frostbite...I have a barred rock and over the winter i saw some spots get chalky white..and those same spots are black now...just like yours.
  7. chickie<3

    Noisy Girls

    I feel ur pain...i have 5 girls who will be 1 year old soon..they were so cute and quiet..until a few months they r cute and not so quiet..we also live in a suburb and have neighbors on all 3 sides...some times they get really husband goes nuts...he is so embarassed and he is...
  8. chickie<3

    Is there anyway i can keep them in 1 area?

    THANKS EVERYONE...I will prob just let them wreck the yard a lil each night. LOVE MY CHICKENS!!!
  9. chickie<3

    Is there anyway i can keep them in 1 area?

    I have 5 chickens that I LOVE...they r in their coop all day..but just b4 dusk i like to let them out to run free...i would love to let them out more but they wreck my backyard. They kick the mulch all over the patio and dig by the bushes all the way down to the roots. Is there anyway I can...
  10. chickie<3

    Is This Frostbite Or Fowl Pox?? Please Help! I'm Very New To This! Lol

    Hi Chimbica88...I cant find ur pics...I am going thru the smae thing u r...I just posted pic on my message...a few above ur entry...let me know where ur pics r and take a look at mine...I have 5 hens and live in NY too.
  11. chickie<3

    Frostbite Or Fowlpox...pic Included

    Is this frostbite, a dry comb, or fowlpox?? What should I do? Is it contagious? If left untreated does it get worse?
  12. chickie<3

    Frostbitten Combs

    I think my hens have a little frostbite on their combs...a few of them have a little crusty brown scabby looking thing on the very tip of the point of their comb...FROSTBITE??? and what do I need to do for that?
  13. chickie<3

    Fighting Hens

    What will tomorrow bring...will they get up and act like nothing happened yesterday...or will they continue where they left off??? ugh..why cant the all just get along?
  14. chickie<3

    Fighting Hens

    I have 5 32 week old hens...they all got along i saw to going at it...I went out to break it up and there was blood on their worse than the other..I put flour on the cuts to stop the bleeding and hopefully the others wont start pecking...i put 1 in the coop and closed...
  15. chickie<3

    What The Heck Is This??? Pics

    I have to tell you..she has not changed in almost 2 months...she is acting fine...laying like a champ...happy..eating..playing. I do keep an eye on her and touch the bulge sometimes..but she seems fine other than that until she tells me otherwise ... we are just going along as normal.
  16. chickie<3

    How much do u pay 4 a 50 lb.bag of ORGANIC FEED?

    Thanks for confirming the great price...I bought it from a poultry farm by where my husband grew up...They have been there husband remembered going there when he was little..over 40 years ago...they said they always sold only organic feed and fed their chickens organic feed...they...
  17. chickie<3

    How much do u pay 4 a 50 lb.bag of ORGANIC FEED?

    How much do u pay 4 a 50 lb.bag of ORGANIC FEED? I wasn't giving them organic feed because it was too much money...but now I found a place near by that sells a 50 lb. bag for $16.00..I think that is a great price.
  18. chickie<3

    Are Their Fuzzy Butts Freezing????

    I have 5 28 week old chickens...i love them dearly...It' s getting cold here in NY and I feel so bad for them..I wanna bring them inside so bad...they go in and out of the coop during the day and go in and roost at night..they dont seem to mind but when i go out to close the coop..I freeze my...
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