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  1. Gunleather

    Help! Can I move the nest?

    I have a small incubator already full of her eggs lol, she only now started sitting on this new nest site. She is used to me being around her. I'm going to try and move her eggs then her into the dog kennel tonight at her location. Her leg was broke in half last year by a horse. I did my best...
  2. Gunleather

    Help! Can I move the nest?

    She has been exposed to gobblers.
  3. Gunleather

    Help! Can I move the nest?

    Hi y'all, I have a hen Royal Palm turkey that has been laying eggs. I put a few in the incubator but she kept laying more now she is sitting on them. It's in a unsecured location. Would she accept me moving her into the chicken coop? Or maybe if I put the nest where it is now into a large dog...
  4. Gunleather


    Ok so far, she is eating and drinking, I haven't removed the splint or anything else yet, but her toes look the right color and are not cold or hot there is no swelling or heat above the splint. I have her in a dog kennel in the house also. Praying she will heal up.
  5. Gunleather


    This is pointless apparently.
  6. Gunleather


    The blanket was only on a few minutes to help calm her down and the air conditioner was blowing plus a ceiling fan. Not to mention the heat index has been over 105 outside. Talk about unable to regulate temp. I asked about dosage of penicillin nothing else.
  7. Gunleather


    I already splinted it, I need to know how much penicillin to give.
  8. Gunleather


    Metatarsal with broken skin too.
  9. Gunleather


    Hey y'all, I have a 9 month old Royal Palm turkey with a broken leg, I cleaned it up put some antiseptic spray on and splinted it. I can't find a bird vet. My question is can they have penicillin??? And how much should be given if so. Any other advice would be appreciated. She is nice and calm...
  10. Gunleather

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I have found that not reading between the lines helps tremendously in trying to decide about the authors tone of voice. Most will let it be known in what they right. Stop worrying about what others think it is up to you if you are happy in this life, you will find out (if not already) that most...
  11. Gunleather

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    Call your vet and see if they treat chickens, mine does. If not call around, maybe? I have one, I don't know which one that lays eggs with extremely thin shells and I suspect is the one that doesn't lay very often. I am new to chickens, well a couple years new and learning. Mine do get oyster...
  12. Gunleather

    Southern Mississippi!!

    Way down south in the land of cotton, where my feet stink and yours are rotten!
  13. Gunleather

    Royal Palm roosting?

    I did lol I had it close to the ground at first. He did fly up maybe two feet high to roost on the side rail of an utility trailer. I am afraid of coyotes, bobcats, coons, dogs, (lions, tigers n bears oh my) from getting them on the ground outside.
  14. Gunleather

    Royal Palm roosting?

    Hi, my question is about a new 1 year old Royal Palm Gobbler I just bought. I bought three poults first and they fly up to roost in the coup/run, the Gobbler doesn't. He will not lead the poults back in the coup at dusk, the poults would go before he arrived (he is their biological father). He...
  15. Gunleather

    Rain Rain go away come again another day.

    Rain Rain go away come again another day.
  16. Gunleather


    Hi all, have had chickens a couple years now and just got into turkeys. Royal Palm turkeys.
  17. Gunleather

    my turkey is loosing feather please help what should i do????....

    Turkeys need high protein diet. Get game bird feed if the feed store doesn't have turkey feed. They shouldn't eat chicken feed too high in calcium. Also a good seed mix. Baby turkeys need high protien like 33% and then step it down as they age. Look for feeding charts online for turkeys. A good...
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