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  1. SokeyDokey

    ID please.

    Thank you. They’re very cute. I’m curious to see what they grow up to look like. Thank you all for your help.
  2. SokeyDokey

    ID please.

    I picked up these little guys at an auction and can’t figure out what cross they are. Some have dark beaks and feet and others have light colored Ones . Also most have the extra toe but a couple of them do not. And several have feather fluff on the feet. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  3. SokeyDokey

    What are these toe lumps?

    Ugh. I thought maybe that’s what they were. I’ve got them soaking in some Epsom salt. Should that do the trick?
  4. SokeyDokey

    What are these toe lumps?

    I recently acquired 8 chicks from an auction and noticed that two of these chicks has these lumps on the end of its toes. What is this? Is it infectious ?
  5. SokeyDokey

    chicken coop on wheels considered an accessory structure?

    We converted our kids playground swing and fort structure into a chicken coop by chopping the fort section down and now its a cute little playhouse looking chicken coop. We had this coop sitting in our yard and got hit with a citation for not having the proper permit for an "accessory...
  6. SokeyDokey

    Sudden onset niacin deficiency in 3 drakes

    Any updates on Ping?
  7. SokeyDokey

    Egg has oddity inside

    I adjusted the color on the photo to better match what I saw in real life.
  8. SokeyDokey

    Egg has oddity inside

    It’s greenish in color. What is a meat spot? I know it’s her egg because she’s the only one I have that lays that color shell (olive) She’s doing amazing. She was bitten by a mink back in January and stopped laying. She recovered but never laid. Then she got sick again with a mystery illness. I...
  9. SokeyDokey

    Egg has oddity inside

    A while back i posted about my hen, Blanche, who was looking pretty sick. I got some wonderful advice and she made a full recovery. So much so that she has even started laying again. She hasn’t produced any eggs since January or so. So I broke open the egg to see if it was ok. It isn’t. It has...
  10. SokeyDokey

    Hen lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Well. She’s still alive. Seems to be getting stronger. She’s eating and drinking very little but is roosting at night. Before she couldn’t get up. No eggs and still tired and pale. Do t know what wrong but I’ll keep taking care of her hoping she improves.
  11. SokeyDokey

    Hen lethargic, not eating or drinking

    She is eating on her own. (Very little) and drinking. I’m still giving her Greek yogurt and ACV/garlic water. Still hoping she gets better.
  12. SokeyDokey

    Hen lethargic, not eating or drinking

    I gave her some Greek yogurt last night and this was her poop today. The crop feels mushy. I also had to clean her feathers today. She had very smelly poop stuck to them
  13. SokeyDokey

    Hen lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Oh and her poop, while still raw egg consistency had some black solid mass in it today.
  14. SokeyDokey

    Hen lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Thank you. i couldn’t find FishMox but did find AquaMox which looks like it’s the same. I purchased the 250mg. How do I administer it? Blanche weighs about 3lbs. Can i mix it in the water? Should I treat the whole Flock? They all seem fine. Thank you again for your help. I already checked...
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