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  1. N

    Re-Introducing Chicks to Foster Hen

    It seemed like they were, admittedly, it was a bit of a squeeze but we live in north Florida and the coop os pretty warm so i had figured (maybe foolishly considering these hen’s shenanigans) that it was ok. Also, all the chicks are the same color.
  2. N

    Re-Introducing Chicks to Foster Hen

    I am currently in possession of 25 two day-old cornish roaster chicks. Yesterday night I tried introducing the chicks to two broody hens ( buff Orpingtons) and everything seem to go well at the time, however, when we when we checked up on them today, the mothers had excepted a few chicks, but...
  3. N

    McMurry Broilers vs. Meat Focused Dual Purpose Breads

    Thank you everyone for the advice! There are definitely some things to consider, so ill have to think over my choice thoroughly. Anyways whatever bird we get we plan to caponize to prevent fighting so hopefully that would add a little extra meat onto a dual purpose bird if that’s what we settle on!
  4. N

    McMurry Broilers vs. Meat Focused Dual Purpose Breads

    I am deciding to try out raising cockerels for meat this year, but am undecided between choosing a dual purpose breed with a good carcass (Im looking into New Hampshire’s currently) or a broiler offered by the hatchery we purchased our chicks from last year. The medium-growth broiler Im...
  5. N

    Let me see those coops

    Thanks! While I love our coop and it’s accessibility, it gets really hot in there🥵. Which isn’t great for the hens because we already live in Florida. Luckily they have a spacious run and get to free rang in the yard for at least 30 mind to an hour most days.
  6. N

    Let me see those coops

    This is my family’s coop! It’s where we keep our egg flock. I love that bot the coop and run are spacious enough to house a large flock. 🙂
  7. N

    What Breed is my Bonus Chick?

    Don’t know if this matters to anyone anymore, but this is our little friend now! Im pretty sure it’s a boy, but Ive misread sex signifiers before. Either way, he’s turning out butifuly, even if he is a lot smaller than his brothers.
  8. N

    Please Help Identify

    Sorry to be annoying, but I dont think it’s a golden comet. They usually have a little more orange and/or white, less buff color.
  9. N

    First time chick mom here and just need general advice

    This isn’t a big deal, but if you have an open feader, you might want to find a way to keep them from spilling. Ive had chicks spill a ton of feed into thier bedding in the past.
  10. N

    What Breed is my Bonus Chick?

    My mistake. I was picking breeds out of a big book of chicks, but it.must have been a little outdated. 🙂
  11. N

    What Breed is my Bonus Chick?

    Nope, but she will get to keep one or two (if the aforementioned chick is female) because we are probably keeping one of the yellow ones for the purposes of breeding! This is because the Delaware is critically endangered and it would be nice to breed some if we acquired a female of the same breed.
  12. N

    Is Hennifer really Henry?

    Also, are there any similarly aged birds to compare them to? That always helps when Im trying to sex younger birds.
  13. N

    Is Hennifer really Henry?

    About how old are they? Because if they are younger (8- 12 weeks), I’m leaning towards roo. However, it’s always hard to tell until adulthood. Roos are usually bigger and have redder combs/waddles even when younger.
  14. N

    What Breed is my Bonus Chick?

    I know this is kind of off topic, but here are the chicks with their adopted mom.😊 P.S. I know it’s kinda hazy in the photo, but they are surrounded by a wall of cardboard to protect them from the rest of the egg flock.
  15. N

    What Breed is my Bonus Chick?

    Thanks for the suggestions! Hopefully its a female who we can keep with our egg flock. 😁
  16. N

    What Breed is my Bonus Chick?

    I am raising meat birds, and I recieved out chicks today. However, as we bought 15 roos from McMurry Hatchery, we got a bonus straight run for free! We aren’t sure what it is, and I’d just like to find out so I know if it is viable for growing meat. 😊
  17. N

    Bantam Rooster died out of nowhere

    For me it was pretty random. I don’t know if it’s a rooster thing, but I’ve heard of people also loosing hens. My only assumption is that our father rooster passed on to his son. I don’t think it really has anything to do with diet, as the chickens likely aren’t eating poisons (they’re pretty...
  18. N

    Bantam Rooster died out of nowhere

    In that case your poor rooster probably had heart failure, indicated by how blood could not pickup oxygen without the pumping of the heart and therefore went the standard purple-blue color.
  19. N

    Bantam Rooster died out of nowhere

    I have never dealt with East Asian or Bantam varieties of chickens, so take my words with a grain of salt. I have had two roosters (a father and son) pass away from what I am fairly sure were heart attacks. From what I can tell, heart attacks can happen suddenly and without a real reason. By any...
  20. N

    Do Vaccinated Chicks Need (Medicated) Chick-starter?

    Thanks for the help! I checked out bag and it is 20% protien, so it should fit the chicks needs.
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