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  1. Skatchkins

    Date Night Idea - Cutting up with chickens

    Thanks muchly! A person I know, may place one on the local feed store's window from time to random time.
  2. Skatchkins

    Date Night Idea - Cutting up with chickens

    A neighbor bought us a chicken calendar. Since the photo's were subpar, the wife and I decided to turn it into an artsy date night idea. Step 1: Cut out a slew of random arms from magazines Step 2: Each person gets half the calendar. Later trades are acceptable. Step 3: Get to glue sticking...
  3. Skatchkins

    Review by 'Skatchkins' in article 'Southern Farmhouse Coop'

    Wow. This is gorgeous. Love the porch swing, cupola and everything else. So much great access too. A postcard all of its own even if you didn't have a beautiful home too. Well done.
  4. Skatchkins

    Comment by 'Skatchkins' in article 'Southern Farmhouse Coop'

    Wow. This is gorgeous. Love the porch swing, cupola and everything else. So much great access too. A postcard all of its own even if you didn't have a beautiful home too. Well done.
  5. Skatchkins

    Comment by 'Skatchkins' in article 'Project French Cajun Bayou Shack'

    Thank you. Comments mean a lot especially on my too long taking ADHD writing. I'm sure I'll get something wrong with my build or could use advice that I haven't already gleaned from BYC. Even though the coop is setup to vent upward, it's 118° here in AZ so I'm doing everything I can to make my...
  6. Skatchkins

    Built a coop, wrote an article - Project French Cajun Bayou Shack

    I believe the status quo around these parts is to word and picture out your backyard coop via the article section and then to share it here also with a link? If so, then here's the new shanty in town:
  7. Skatchkins

    Another - My Chicken Laid a Boiled Egg - mystery post

    Thank you fellow AZ folks! Glad we were able to shed our God forsaken blinding light on this Phenomena for others. I went ahead and cracked the other test subject today. Sadly I still wasn't able to replicate the very first results as climatically. But I promised the showing, so it's time to...
  8. Project French Cajun Bayou Shack

    Project French Cajun Bayou Shack

    I acquire free wood. Be it pallets, fence, furniture elements; in the alleys, on the Craigslist, friends, roadside, neighbors. I'm not exactly sure what I'll do with it at the time, but man hands gotta handle, and creators gotta create. I originally let my backyard chickens build and...
  9. Skatchkins

    Another - My Chicken Laid a Boiled Egg - mystery post

    All right then. I pulled one of the subjects this morning and let it cool down inside then did the crack thing. Not sure why we didn't have more soft boil on this one like the previous victims. I'm not exactly sure of the days they were left out there and then how many days they were on the...
  10. Skatchkins

    Wind startled hen drops softie (sfw video)

    First dust storm of the season rolling in. 5min before touchdown. Even though I've tried to train the girls for this, they seemed to like all the windy nether feather rustling and stayed outside. As I was watching from the kitchen window, a shell-less egg appeared surprising me and the hen...
  11. Skatchkins

    Another - My Chicken Laid a Boiled Egg - mystery post

    Today's update to Operation Mulch Bake? Organic Soil Boi... Operation Steamy Compost? Eh, we can just use Operation Hot Fertile Vent as a placeholder for now. I believe yesterday's pallet data was somewhat skewed since we were measuring a surface temp by touching it with the sensors. So here is...
  12. Skatchkins

    Another - My Chicken Laid a Boiled Egg - mystery post

    All right, fellow Chicken Tenders. I have some data today. It was overcast here till noonish. Photos taken at 4pm. I missed the sun directly on the reinactment scene victims. I was still taken aback at one result in particular. Sun Birthing box in the Cajun bayou shack coop. Next the top of...
  13. Skatchkins

    Another - My Chicken Laid a Boiled Egg - mystery post

    Weather tis nobler in the mind to suffer the Celsius and Fahrenheit of outrageous fortune, Or to take wings against a pen of cockerels...
  14. Skatchkins

    Another - My Chicken Laid a Boiled Egg - mystery post

    Now why would a good chicken dad like me ever put his girls' fresh eggs in the refrigerator? This suggestion is the real farce at hand, good sir and or madam. But you know what, I will pull a couple beauts out of today's bounty and sacrifice them to this experiment. The wife is guessing the...
  15. Skatchkins

    Another - My Chicken Laid a Boiled Egg - mystery post

    I searched Ms. Google and the mystery appears to have been posted and head scratched on BackyardChickens previously. How the what-why did my chicken lay a boiled egg? Scene: (law-and-order sound) Morning egg eating time. I choose two eggs off the end of the spiral counter display, crack one...
  16. Skatchkins

    Mystic Onyx, wierd feathers, name ideas

    Late, but on time for my discovery. I have two mystics. One turned rooster. But the missus has the same feather stubs at wing front. Since young and still now at laying age.
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