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    Review by 'lynnrm1' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    This was great info, especially the video of the egg laying process. Thank you!
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    What do you use for vitamins?
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    Thanks! Yes, spats were usual but quickly resolved lol this is something else entirely. She’s been separate for almost 3 days and 2 nights and I’m going to reintroduce her tomorrow. We shall see how it goes. It’s interesting because she doesn’t seem to want to move up in the pecking order eg...
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    Thanks so much. She’s been separated since Friday morning and will probably let her out tomorrow afternoon to free range with the rest, see how it goes.
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    I know a lot has been said about bullying but I still have questions. The bully in my case is at the bottom of the pecking order and she is bullying only one hen all of a sudden. The hen being bullied is 2nd in the pecking order. These hens will be 3 in June and have been flock mates since birth...
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    Not sure what is wrong with my chicken

    Yes, I have been monitoring that and the hens are under cover and have not been free ranging. No one has been here with them and we are careful about clothing , shoes and equipment in the run and coop. She also had zero of those symptoms and her sisters are all fine. Looking back over the last...
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    Not sure what is wrong with my chicken

    She unfortunately passed not long after I posted. 😞 She had pooped when I first brought her in and it looked normal, no diarrhea or weird colors. It’s a mystery, will be talking to my vet on Monday. Thank you
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    Not sure what is wrong with my chicken

    Wondering if anyone has any thoughts. When I went out to the coop an hour ago, one of my hens was sitting off by herself and was not interested in the treat of veggies and fruit I had brought out. She walked over and looked at it and then went and took a drink of water. I have separated her from...
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    Just a yolk and egg white

    They eat grumbly farms layer feed with 16% protein. They have calcium, oyster shells & crushed egg shells available to them at all times.
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    Just a yolk and egg white

    They are 7 months old and I am in Southern New England USA where we have been having a very mild winter thus far.
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    Just a yolk and egg white

    They have plenty of quality feed, free choice grit and oyster/crushed egg shells and free range for a couple of hours most days. They get fresh veggies a few times a week and very rarely get table scraps.
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    Just a yolk and egg white

    I opened the coop this morning and found two eggs in the nesting box but also 1 egg in the roosting area, the egg in the roosting area had no shell or membrane and no sign of any shell anywhere!!! Has anyone ever seen this?
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    Pearl Star Leghorns

    This one of my Pearl stars, I have three that I got from a farm supply store in June. They’re very pretty and friendly.
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    Does anyone know what this could be? All of a sudden expelled from one of my hens!

    She is almost 6 months old and we are in southern New England. She is fed good quality layer feed and free choice oyster shells and crushed egg shells. Her other eggs have all been fine. I am keeping an eye on her and so far today she seems fine. Thanks for your response.
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    Does anyone know what this could be? All of a sudden expelled from one of my hens!

    She squatted and some fluid came out and then all of a sudden this appeared. I checked her vent and everything looks good. No red tissue, no blood and tissue looked healthy. She seems fine, ate and drank before bed etc
  16. L

    Feeding Biochar to chickens... Anyone tried it?

    I would also love to know which char would be the best to purchase.
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