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  1. Samantha Stevens

    Trying to work out why my Emu is not laying

    Great news, this morning we found 4 eggs! still not sure why she took a break, but all back to normal now.
  2. Samantha Stevens

    Trying to work out why my Emu is not laying

    Hi all, can you help? Last year my young pair of emu laid for the first time, we got eggs every 2-4 days between the end of Jan and the beginning of April. This year she laid one egg mid Jan, but nothing since. Has anyone else had this problem? They both seem perfectly healthy otherwise...
  3. Samantha Stevens

    What colour are these Barnevelder chicks?

    they came out of reasonably dark brown eggs, and a very small brown egg turned up this morning :)
  4. Samantha Stevens

    What colour are these Barnevelder chicks?

    Rhodebar Lover was right they were both silver! Fantastic timing - they were a male and a female in the end. And i think the Female (Chi-Chi) layed her first egg today! In the end they were pretty easy to sex after a few months :) Once the male looked like that i was pretty sure. He went to a...
  5. Samantha Stevens

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    2 acres would be enough, in my opinion. though be warned, they're fence pacers. If the can pace next to a window where you're in the room they'll wear a trench in the ground
  6. Samantha Stevens

    Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

    Emus are great, we got some last year :) you need at least 2 though, so space is a real consideration. But they're soppy and funny and curious and cuddly, so if you have the space I'd say go for it! ;)
  7. Samantha Stevens

    What colour are these Barnevelder chicks?

    Thanks so much, that's a fantastic point :) I'll post pics when they get a bit older (I might need help sexing them anyway ;) )
  8. Samantha Stevens

    What colour are these Barnevelder chicks?

    That would be ideal, as it's a silver hen I'm particularly after! How can you tell?
  9. Samantha Stevens

    What colour are these Barnevelder chicks?

    I had 2 chicks hatch under my broody! They're barnevelder chicks, but the eggs came from either a double silver laced hen or a blue laced hen who are in with a double silver laced roo. So, experts, are these black, blue or splash? 2 pics of each attached
  10. Samantha Stevens

    Comment by 'Samantha Stevens' in article 'Common Chicken Breeds That Lay Colored Eggs'

    I love a multi-coloured egg basket! Also I went with a mixed flock who all lay distinct eggs, mostly for fun, but it's also practical. It means I can monitor them really easily, I know who's laying and can keep an eye out for changes/illness. Highly recommend!
  11. Samantha Stevens

    July 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    We have 3 chicks :) out of 4 posted eggs - so, very happy with that! 3 days old today and already fluttering to 3x their height!
  12. Samantha Stevens

    July 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    We have chicks! at least 2! These were posted eggs, so 50% hatch is pretty good - I wonder if she'll hatch the other 2?
  13. Samantha Stevens

    July 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    Its wonderful to see everyone's chicks! After a long wait, mine are getting close! I thought I *might* have heard unzipping under the broody earlier when I checked on her, so all fingers crossed! She's due to hatch the peachicks tonight or tomorrow :)
  14. Samantha Stevens

    At what age are Emu chicks fox-proof?

    24x30ft the pic is from when we put it up, it has chicken wire on top and has been reinforced since then :)
  15. Samantha Stevens

    At what age are Emu chicks fox-proof?

    I have 3 emu chicks., they're 3 months old now, and live outside. But at the moment we're putting them in the large* chicken run overnight to protect them from foxes. I live in the south of the UK, so foxes are the only predators that we have to worry about. At what age are they safe from...
  16. Samantha Stevens

    At what age can you 'wean' emu chicks?

    Hi everyone, Our chicks are now 3 months (and nearly 3 months) old. We gradually moved them to spending more time outside, only coming into the conservatory to sleep, as it was still pretty cold overnight here - Until last week. Now they are outside full time, sleeping in the fox-proof chicken...
  17. Samantha Stevens

    July 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    I have been waiting for my tried-and-tested best broody to go for over a month! But I finally set 4 white peafowl eggs under her yesterday. She's always a day or 2 early so I'm expecting chicks by the 27th ;) So far she's done a peafowl hatch 4 years in a row, and hatched every egg we've put...
  18. Samantha Stevens

    At what age can you 'wean' emu chicks?

    Thanks for your concern! They have plenty of room to run, and free access to the space throughout the day. (Though a lot of their time is spent sleeping in a pile at my feet, because I work from home. ) I try to make sure they get plenty of exercise :) We've had lots of visitors and they seem...
  19. Samantha Stevens

    At what age can you 'wean' emu chicks?

    Thanks, For anyone else interested, as they're getting older they're getting more independent (luckily, as they're already getting too big for the house ;) ) We're also trying not to always respond to their 'cries' for training too. Seems to be working so far!
  20. Samantha Stevens

    Ended 2022 BYC Calendar Photo Contest - We Need Your Pictures!

    Yes :) We don't have any roos, so they've both only ever hatched peachicks :) Though beautiful as she is, Dotty (the wyandotte) isn't allowed any more, because she isn't watchful enough for peas. I might try her with some actual chicken chicks this year, I really want some large fowl Silver...
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