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  1. rsallison

    Avian Flu - Washington State

    My folks live out in Pt Angeles, and my mom called me about this today. I have a small backyard flock in Duvall. Anyone seeing any symptoms in their flock? My birds all have a bit of diarrhea right now, but that's common because of flooding in our run with all the rain. A little DE in their feed...
  2. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    I really don't know what it is. I tried to tape him low, but he just pulled his feet right out of the tape. It used to help to have it on, otherwise he'd just flop out all over. But now it doesn't seem to matter if it's there or not. Does spraddle leg get that pinched up foot look like the...
  3. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    He seems to be getting worse, both feet are now pinched up and he can't stand at all without wobbling and toppling over. It obviously scares him, because he makes that distressed sharp, "cheep! cheep!", but only sometimes. Mostly he just lies still and quiet. He eats a huge amount of food...
  4. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    Ok, I guess I have another question. He is trying to do those little "push-ups" with his legs, and trying to walk around - stumbling of course, because his legs are tied together. When I untie him, this is what happens immediately: He can't help himself at all, once they're out. I retied...
  5. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    How long should I keep him up here at the house? Should I bring up one of his clutch-mates to keep him company? I could only find Save-a-chick electrolyte powder, but it seems to be helping. He's been doing little pushups today, cute and wobbly, but he's trying!
  6. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    One more question: Should I get the poultry vitamins for everyone outside, and do the mouth vitamins for the one who's obviously affected right now? It seems that direct administration may help faster with the sick one. Would it be too much to put it in his water and do the mouth vitamins...
  7. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    Thanks so much! I was hoping for this to be something I could remedy Where would I get Polyvisol? Is that something they'd have at a pharmacy? Does any feed store have poultry vitamins? Wow, thanks again!
  8. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    I worked my hands down the spine, leg joints, and all. No indication of anything out of joint, no indication of any pain from him, nothing. His body does feel a little hot, but it's pretty hot weather right now anyhow. Here's a few more pictures. Do I have the wrap in the right place? Do you see...
  9. rsallison

    Weird legged chick....spraddle? Marek's?

    I went out to open the chick's pen today, and found this guy (girl? I don't know, not quite 8 week old English Orpington) on his belly with legs spread out, not able to stand on his own. I tried to help him up, but he tipped over. I didn't have a camera with me at the time (of course), and...
  10. rsallison

    Cockerel (?) with vent wound *Bloody Bum pics*

    Thank you for all your advice. Unfortunately, he died this morning. There must have been something really damaged inside. At least he is not suffering any longer. The joys and sorrows of farm life.
  11. rsallison

    Cockerel (?) with vent wound *Bloody Bum pics*

    Thanks! Any idea about the white stuff?
  12. rsallison

    Cockerel (?) with vent wound *Bloody Bum pics*

    So, our Spangle English Orpington Cockerel (we think) got stuck behind a board in our kennel, head in, bum out, and was completely assaulted by some of the hens. It was obvious who, they had blood all over their faces...yuck. Anyhow, got him out, snipped the feathers around his vent to see...
  13. rsallison

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Hey there - I just went out to check on my broody and found that she had pooped on one of the eggs. I saw that you threw out the eggs that were pooped on at your place. When I bought the eggs from the breeder, she said that if they get pooped on to clean them quickly and get them back under...
  14. rsallison

    Keeping Chickens Free Range

    If you can build a shelter for her, top/sides/back and just set it over her, she should be fine. If she's pretty much a full time free-ranger, I'd say she's got this. Maybe get some hay in around her so that she can use it to pack in if she gets a little chilly.
  15. rsallison

    Day 1 with Broody Betty

    Day 3 Oh, No! We got home from church last night, and Broody Betty had jumped her fence and forgotten how to get back in! We found her sleeping as close as she could get to the nest, and when we lifted her over she ran like crazy to the eggs and settled in again. I don't know how long the eggs...
  16. rsallison

    Day 1 with Broody Betty

    We want to get started with English Orpingtons, so I picked up some Black, Blue/Black Splash and Jubilee eggs from a breeder close by. I've got her on 15 eggs in a big kennel in the main chain link kennel with the others. I wish that I had the dexterity to take a video while putting the eggs...
  17. rsallison

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Hello Mr. Reiner, I see that your post was from several years ago, are you still in the Orpington business? We have an old buff who just sits on everyones eggs all day, so we thought to give her some real ones for her very own :) I am interested in getting started with English Orpys, and am...
  18. rsallison

    Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

    As you all can see, I am a "new egg" member of BYC. I've had craigslist buffs and RIRs for about 5 years now, and am finally deciding to take the plunge into creating a nice Orpington flock on our farm. I adore these birds! However, we are not set up here to foster chicks/hatch eggs incubator...
  19. rsallison

    Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

    My word! That top gentleman is gorgeous!!!
  20. rsallison

    Crook neck comes and goes?!?

    Hello, I have a Dorking that recently started walking around with her head cocked slightly to the side. As if turning a good ear to hear what someone is saying - if that makes sense. Then yesterday I went out in the afternoon and she was inside with her head completely upside down, totally...
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