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  1. SpaceyTracy

    Pullet gone, pile of feathers and signs of being dragged under fence

    The other day I discovered one of my two pullets was missing. I wish I knew what I was up against! I found the place where the predator dug under the fence (see photo below) and some stray feathers along the path where it dragged its prize out. We discovered our electric fence was basically not...
  2. SpaceyTracy

    Sex of 2 16-week old birds... and next steps?

    Earlier this year I got two chicks from a neighbor to try to fool my broody hen into thinking they were hers. Didn't work, but we decided to keep the chicks. They are of an unknown probably mixed breed. At this point they are fairly well accepted by my little flock of 5 3-yo Australorp hens...
  3. SpaceyTracy

    Integrating 2 chicks into flock of 5--nighttime

    I have two chicks I'm trying to integrate into my flock of 5 hens. They've been in the run in a look-but-don't-interact mode since I've had them (almost 4 weeks, and they were 2 weeks old when I got them). I'm not sure what the next step is. The chicks started out in the dog crate and then...
  4. SpaceyTracy

    Broody won't stop brooding!

    Hi, I have a small flock of 5 hens, no rooster. One of them has been broody for over a month now. Early on I tried chicken jail for two days at a time (two or three times) and giving her cold water belly baths. I looked for baby chicks to give her to raise and found a couple but they were too...
  5. SpaceyTracy

    Post-predator attack, 1 of 5 Australorps now being bullied

    A month ago my six free-ranging chickens were attacked, I'm guessing by a fox. Five survived and are all recovering well. They're now in a smaller area enclosed by a 164-ft electrified poultry fence. In the last couple of days I noticed one was by herself a lot and then saw her being chased and...
  6. SpaceyTracy

    Multiple injured chickens, unknown predator

    Hi, I've been free-ranging my 6 year-old chickens during the day as I try to figure out a way to make them some kind of secure, more limited ranging yard. Too late. Yesterday my son was out mowing and discovered multiple piles of feathers and no chickens. Eventually 5 out of the 6 staggered...
  7. SpaceyTracy


    I just joined and wanted to say hello! Two days ago I would've said I had 6 lovely Australorps, but as of yesterday I have 5. They are just about a year old and this has been my first foray into chicken ownership. They have been such a delight and they have such character. I didn't have chickens...
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