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  1. A

    Few days old chick - Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans?

    Yeah, probably a cross of some sort. I'm sure it was someone's backyard mix. So curious to see what it grows up as! Just glad it's not a BSL (which I what I originally thought), because then it's definitely a cockerel. But yes, from what I've read, that large of a head spot doesn't look too...
  2. A

    Few days old chick - Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans?

    Thanks - just out of curiousity, what makes it definitely not a Barred Rock? The feathered legs? The little yellow spots by the eyes look like most of the pics of Barred Rock chicks I've seen. But I don't have experience with this breed, so wasn't sure. Love learning new chicken info!
  3. A

    Few days old chick - Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans?

    It really is?!? It's so tiny! We've raised enough chicks at this point (both broody hen and heat lamp raised) to know this once can't be more than a couple of days old at this point. My husband and I were just trying to figure out what to do with the duckling since it was all by itself (we have...
  4. A

    Few days old chick - Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans?

    My hubby found this sweet chick abandoned on his walk yesterday. Brought it home (and it's currently the perfect friend to the orphaned duckling that made it's way into our yard a few days ago - the joys of living in the country!). I'm just trying to figure out the likely breed. My first thought...
  5. A

    Mallard vs Rouen duckling ID

    Nooooo - say it isn't so! We don't want drakes - we want to be able to house our ducks and chickens together, and it's not safe to keep drakes with chickens, right? We don't have any bantams, but we do have some smaller(ish) breeds like Polishes to worry about...and 3 roosters already!
  6. A

    Mallard vs Rouen duckling ID

    Really??? That would be amazing! I think they're around 2 1/2 weeks now, if the feed store is right. Here is a video of each. The Rouen (the one in the shorter video) sounds raspy to me, but this is my first go round with ducks so I have no idea what I'm listening for. Haha. Thanks!
  7. Mallard Duckling

    Mallard Duckling

  8. Rouen Duckling

    Rouen Duckling

  9. Dusk Quacks

    Dusk Quacks

    Sounds made by 2 1/2 week old Mallard and Rouen ducklings
  10. A

    Mallard vs Rouen duckling ID

    Thanks so much! Hoping they're both female as we'd like to keep them in the chicken coop. Size isn't a gender indicator yet, right? Will have to wait a few more weeks for vocalizations. Although they are both very chatty, ESPECIALLY the Rouen. That one never stops talking - and appears very...
  11. A

    Mallard vs Rouen duckling ID

    Long time chicken mama here (currently have 30+ in our flock), but first time duck mama. We picked up these 2 cuties this weekend at the local feed store. They were both supposed to be Mallards, but even in just the past few days, one has grown considerably faster than the other. Between that...
  12. A

    Self-blue cochin feathering patterns

    This little bugger is now almost 12 weeks and still growing. Just as sweet as can be, and still smaller than the others, but growing. Are we still thinking pullet or is there enough redness to say cockerel?
  13. A

    Why are my 9 week old Polishes so hard to sex???

    Thank you so much! I LOVE Polishes and this bunch is so fun!
  14. A

    Why are my 9 week old Polishes so hard to sex???

    I would be oiver the moon if the Tolbunt ends up being a pullet! We were so excited to get it and really really wanted a pullet! It'd be great if the others were as well, but since they're so hard to get, we're really holding out hope it's a girl!
  15. A

    Why are my 9 week old Polishes so hard to sex???

    We have 15 chicks that are around 9 weeks old. Most of them I can determine to be pullets (all were supposed to be pullets). But I am so stumped on my Polishes! Help me please! We have 5, and the White Crested Black and Buff Laced I'm pretty sure are pullets. But these 3 I don't know. Their...
  16. A

    Self-blue cochin feathering patterns

    So this little thing is now almost 9 weeks old now and fully feathered out! Still trucking along and happy and inquisitive as can be. Sweet little thing. Fluffy without many tail feathers to speak of .Still smaller than the others, but continuing to grow. No clue why it's smaller..I'm guessing...
  17. A

    Early gender guesses on 6 week old Polishes?

    I know it's early and I'm probably just gonna have to wait, but would love to hear any thoughts from Polish experts on my 6 week old Polishes. I have my suspicions, but try not to get too confident since at this stage the crest is as much a function of how much the other chicks like to peck at...
  18. A

    Self-blue cochin feathering patterns

    Thank you for the hope! She's so snuggly and adorable we're hoping just a late bloomer! It did occur to me that she could be a bantam - the feed store had bantam cochins, but they were at the other end of the store. But you never know...we've never had Bantam's before - but don't they feather...
  19. A

    Self-blue cochin feathering patterns

    That's what I'm starting to be afraid of. We've never dealt with FTT before. What's my best bet for treatment?
  20. A

    Self-blue cochin feathering patterns

    It's hard to catch good pics because other than the little one, NOBODY WILL STAND STILL! Haha but here are a couple. One where she's near the Polishes, who I think are a week older. They dwarf her. The second pic she is near two others who are the same age as her. She's not that much smaller...
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