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  1. S

    Help! Should I intervene??

    Thanks all for your help! After these last photos I continued to ‘zip’ for her, leaving the membrane intact and just removing the egg, I did about 3/4 and put her back in the incubator at 1am, so slowly removing the egg for her over 2 hours, she was still trying really hard to get out so I put...
  2. S

    Help! Should I intervene??

    Not sure if these blood vessels look a big too big to be ready? It’s been a solid 30 hours now, would they have been absorbed by now?
  3. S

    Help! Should I intervene??

    Now well past 24 hours, still not moved at all so I’ve started to help by removing the shell with the membrane kept in tack. Baby is still chirping loudly but I’m very nervous to harm any blood vessels, what are your thoughts on this photo?
  4. S

    Help! Should I intervene??

    Hello! I need some advice, this little bantam Orpington chick started hatching about 24hours ago, maybe 20 hours ago from when I noticed the initial Pip. It’s not gotten far but I can hear it in there chirping. Should I help! I’ve helped in other batches and I really don’t want to open this...
  5. S

    Lump on her face? Any help would be great

    update: We had our vet appointment, no respiratory infection, apparently the discharge is due to the lump pushing on her sinus. They think she’s hit it/been pecked and it’s developed from there. They drained it, gave her anti inflammatory medication and an antibiotic
  6. S

    Lump on her face? Any help would be great

    Yesterday afternoon her eye started to open again so I thought we were on the mend, but this morning is closed and the swelling is getting worse, it’s now a soft/squishy lump all along the right half of her face. She looks like she’s got some discharge from her nostril too, it’s clear. She has...
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    Lump on her face? Any help would be great

    I had a look, no pus in her beak. It’s been about a month & a half since I got her
  8. S

    Lump on her face? Any help would be great

    Thanks for your reply, no, none of my other girls have ever had anything like this & I’ve had them from eggs. I’ll take her to the vet and ask about some antibiotics but she’s not showing any other signs of illness, and her other eye is completely clear.
  9. S

    Lump on her face? Any help would be great

    I’ve had her for about 1.5-2 months and she’s only started with this lump in the last 2 days, I’ll take a photo of inside her beak & post it
  10. S

    Lump on her face? Any help would be great

    Hello, I recently purchased a bantam Orpington hen, she’s been with me about 1.5 months. None of my other chickens are displaying any sign of something similar. It started with a lump kind of between her eye and jaw, and she isn’t exhibiting any respiratory symptoms. A day later & it’s now...
  11. S

    Your opinions please…

    Thanks, I will look into the electrifier. I hadn’t even considered that.
  12. S

    Your opinions please…

    That’s the issue. This neighbour doesn’t seem to care that there are rats in his shed. He only cares when they die & he’s got to remove the bodies, and then finds out they’ve eaten his camping gear - although he won’t do anything to reduce them. My partner is worried about the rats in general...
  13. S

    Your opinions please…

    Hi all, I’m after some opinions because I might be biased and I’d like to know if I’m being ridiculous. Long story short, we live in suburbia, we have 8-10 small bantams that we’ve made a run for but mostly free range. The coop is secure (mostly) and the feed is locked up at night, and the...
  14. S

    Help! Baby chick has a torn neck!

    Hi all, I’ve got a Mumma duccle and three chicks that she’s hatched. They’re about 3 weeks old I could hear one of the babies chirping so I went outside to find it separated from Mum and other chicks, I picked it up to move it back to her and noticed it was injured. The back of her neck/base...
  15. S

    Help! Sick duccle hen

    Thank you so much. We are located in Queensland, Australia. I will treat the entire flock for coccidiosis and I’ll go over their bedding again and I’ll buy some of the Aquamox to have on hand if we need it. Thank you again, it is so helpful to be pointed in the right direction
  16. S

    Help! Sick duccle hen

    Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. I’ve kept up this protocol however unfortunately she just died. I walked into the kitchen to get her some egg and I looked up and she was seizing. She seized and died in an awful position, like her neck was outstretched and she had clear fluid coming...
  17. S

    Help! Sick duccle hen

    Hi @azygous, this morning Pip has not laid an egg so I’m leaning away from being egg bound. Yesterday I gave her a very small amount of coconut oil every hour or so and massaged her crop, it felt like there was grains and grass in there. This morning it has definitely gone down but is not...
  18. S

    Help! Sick duccle hen

    Thanks, I’ll give her calcium and a warm bath. Her crop isn’t emptying from this morning, if anything it’s still full. I’ve massaged it every hour or so, what else can I do?
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