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  1. Stephoney

    “Litter Scoop” mod for hemp bedding?

    Hi— Yep, I’m a faithful hemp user. I’ve found it’s superior to every other bedding. It’s also cheaper and less work to use hemp than any other options considering that I usually buy 6 or 7 bales per year, spread 5-51/2 bales on the greenhouse floor in the fall and use the rest throughout the...
  2. Stephoney

    Rinsing Fermented Feed

    I was fermenting Scratch and Peck. Right now I’m trying out fermenting with EM1. It ferments with just enough liquids that absorb into the grains so there won’t be any liquids to drain off (or not). I’m excited to see how it turns out and if my hens like it. It’s supposed to be very good for them.
  3. Stephoney

    EM-1 (effective microorganism) & bokashi for chickens

    I know this is an older post, but I wanted to thank you for the clear, specific instructions for prepping chicken feed and water with EM 1. I just began prepping some food with my EM 1 mother (terragranix brand) and am fermenting it using a Brod & Taylor proofer. I’m keeping it at 90 degrees for...
  4. Stephoney

    Composting - $500 Lomi v. FREE Chicken Bucket?

    I helped crowdfund Lomi on indiegogo and got it for $300. We have 15 chickens and a large compost bin in our backyard and we compost a lot of yard waste and chicken manure. My hens don’t necessarily like the foods I put into Lomi. I do toss the food scraps they like outside for them while...
  5. Stephoney

    Overdose of Amoxicillin?

    Well, she made it through the night okay and was griping to be let out of her coop this morning. I’ve been at work all day, but she came right up to eat when I put out yogurt this afternoon with watermelon and blueberries and was bathing with her sister, Tilde, when I got home. She was wheezing...
  6. Stephoney

    Overdose of Amoxicillin?

    I did something very foolish tonight. I gave my black Ameraucana, Hilde, 500 mg of amoxicillin instead of 250. She’s around 5 pounds so she should have gotten half of that over the day. I was starting her on a first dose and realized a few minutes afterwards that I had given her too much. Will...
  7. Stephoney

    fairy ring fungus Toxic or not?

    I know this is an old thread, but it was very helpful! I have a silver double-laced Barnevelder chick/pullet who I noticed yesterday was running around playing keep away with a dried mushroom. I took it from her, no small feet, and didn’t think much of it. Today when I was was walking around...
  8. Stephoney

    Double Silver Laced Barnevelders

    I know this thread is a little old, but I thought I’d throw another farm into the mix. I received 9 healthy chicks from Stumphouse Farms in North Carolina. I kept 2 and sold the rest. The two are twelve weeks old and looking gorgeous already. The owners were very helpful and answered all of my...
  9. Stephoney

    Help with Barnevelders!

    Update: I ended up keeping 2 silver double laced barnevelder chicks. They are 8 weeks old now. I believe that both are females :weeTheir lacing is coming in slowly. One of them had a very deep wound on her neck about 2 weeks ago. I posted about It somewhere. I was able to take her to a vet who...
  10. Stephoney

    5 week old chick with infected wound

    Found a doc through a friend. He said the cut was really deep- straight and deep. He was positive it was a razor or possibly a very sharp piece of glass. Can’t find anything like that in our greenhouse where they get to explore in the afternoons. He prescribed her a strong antibiotic (Mupirocin)...
  11. Stephoney

    5 week old chick with infected wound

    One of my 5 week old Double Laced Silver Barnevelders has a wound that I’ve been cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and treating with neosporin. Unfortunately it looks like it’s infected. It’s bulging a bit this afternoon, swollen. I pressed on it and it’s not hot, but it is definitely swollen...
  12. Stephoney

    Best Litter?? Struggling after years

    Hi! I started using hemp several years ago in our 21x16 foot greenhouse/indoor run. I used pine and a chip drop load before, but was really unhappy with it. Originally, I purchased hemp off Amazon. It was very pricey, but I was much happier with the nesting boxes. No poop on eggs. Clean feet...
  13. Stephoney

    April Fool's Day 2023 | Introducing TudyBOT - Our New AI BYC Member

    @TudyBOT Can you tell if silver double laced barnevelder chicks with grey chests are male or female 3 weeks of age?
  14. Stephoney

    Help with Barnevelders!

    That’s a good idea! I haven’t seen any of them challenging one another. I have two 4 week old legbar chicks (1 opal and 1 split) living with the 2 week old Barnevelders. Several of the babies love running around with them. I call it indoor recess when I open up their brooder and let them run...
  15. Stephoney

    Help with Barnevelders!

    Wow- thanks for the wealth of information. I really appreciate it. I have noticed that a few of the six have developed more of a tail than others. I’m not sure if that’s because they’re just larger and growing faster or whether that’s in indication that they are males. I have read that males...
  16. Stephoney

    Help with Barnevelders!

    When you got them as chicks, do you remember if they were more of a brown color or a dark brown/black color? I have both colors. I wondered if there was anything to it as far as sexing them goes.
  17. Stephoney

    Help with Barnevelders!

    That’s great- I’ve read so much about how difficult it is to tell roos from pullets so I thought I’d ask about the obvious giveaway- the crowing 🐔
  18. Stephoney

    Help with Barnevelders!

    Hi- I have a random question about your roo. Did he start crowing? I was wondering at what age double laced silvers start. I’ve got 3 that are only a week old. I know there’s plenty of time before they’ll start, but trying to think ahead. My husband is definitely not keen on the idea.
  19. Stephoney

    Dying Chicken Care

    I’m so sorry about your neighbor’s hen. It’s rough to lose them. I think that Buttercup grew very quickly. I know that ascites can develop easier in larger breeds and she was a Buff Orpington. I also thought that she might have had an issue with a developing egg before it reached the vent area...
  20. Stephoney

    What are you adding to your flock this year?

    I have slightly lost my ever-loving mind, I think. I just got an Opal legbar (Violet) and a Split legbar (Daisy) chick. They are happily chirping in their brooder in our living room. Next week 9 Double Laced Silver Barnevelder chicks are arriving. I plan to keep 2 and have a few friends lined up...
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