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  1. Three Musketeers

    Chickens comb going pink/pale! Help!!

    Hope someone will know what this is but may I just ask how her crop feels? Pale combs can indicate various things e.g. coccidiosis, internal worms (accompanied by reduced egg production and watery droppings), sour crop or an over all sign of anemia. Something that does strike me are her...
  2. Three Musketeers

    Squatting screaming chicken

    My condolences for your loss; I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help. You did the absolute best you could with great care ☺️. There are many diseases affecting chicken it is practically impossible to recognize all of them. Best wishes and may she rest in peace.
  3. Three Musketeers


    As mentioned above this ''touching'' is a rather a myth (for most animals in most cases). Handling babies in front of the mother will stress her as this is seen as a disturbance (which is not the case here) - just minimize the handling and the mother will most likely resume her care (if placed...
  4. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Glad to hear!! It's such a relief when they get better after sour crop. I'm sure she will recuperate in no time and gain her weight back. ☺️
  5. Three Musketeers

    Emergency, lethargic Hen

    Hi, This sounds like sour crop to me. A squishy/liquid filled crop, a lethargic chicken and a pungent smell are telltale symptoms of sour crop; however, I would check in with a vet, if possible (as it could be another issue, or there could be an underlying primary disorder at hand). But from...
  6. Three Musketeers

    Squatting screaming chicken

    I completely understand your concern. It looks like vent gleet from my perspective (however I have not experienced this), I hope someone will be able to add in their perspective. As mentioned the chicken is straining to defecate, watery droppings, some soiled feathers and there is clear...
  7. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Thanks for your input! I think the picture kind of make her legs look more pink, but they are light yellow in real life. I looked up Cuckoo Marans and they are so cute, they look really similar as well (I find it difficult to differentiate the Cuckoo and the Plymouth except for the eggs) :)
  8. Three Musketeers

    My roosters limpy leg

    I would check in with a vet to see if it is Marek's in the first place; however, this may be not be to diagnosed. This wasn't diagnosed by the vet in my case, just a hypothesis on my behalf based on her symptoms. Prior to her euthanasia (couple of days later I believe) the vet did agree it was...
  9. Three Musketeers

    Squatting screaming chicken

    The only things I can think of would be Coccidiosis, Vent Gleet or perhaps Egg Yolk Peritonitis. However, I would think that your vet would have noticed Egg Yolk Peritonitis upon physical examination possibly (regarding the coelom). Some symptoms of coccidiosis include weight loss, ruffled...
  10. Three Musketeers

    Squatting screaming chicken

    Hi! I won't be of much help as I haven't experienced this. Are her feathers fluffed up and does she have some swelling in the vent area? When you say she's ''squatting down'' do you mean as in a penguin stance; this may also be an indication of peritonitis (which may be confounded with an...
  11. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    No worries at all! Glad you asked ☺️
  12. Three Musketeers

    My roosters limpy leg

    Hi, So I'm not so sure what this is, I hope someone will be able to chime in. I kind of had the same situation with one of my chicken's last year (a Sussex); she started limping which progressively got worse, paralyzing her body. At first she couldn't walk properly (one of her legs/foot) which...
  13. Three Musketeers

    Comment by 'Three Musketeers' in media 'IMG_20200725_144333.jpg'

    What a cute chicken aww ☺️
  14. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Yeah you're right they are quite full of dirt 😅, also we think she might have a few mites so that has to be checked out.
  15. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Thank you - glad her breed is finally sorted out. 😊
  16. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Sorry to hear, I hope she will recover in no time :). Thank you a lot for your input regarding the breed by the way! So I made a solution of 10mg/ml of Clotrimazole diluted in water. The Clotrimazole was administered over the course of approx. 7 days (PO - by mouth). The first five days this...
  17. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Yes of course 😊. So I made a solution of 10mg/ml of Clotrimazole diluted in water. The Clotrimazole was administered over the course of approx. 7 days (PO - by mouth). The first five days this was given twice a day (20 mg in total) and the last two days approx. 10-12 mg a day. The Clotrimazole...
  18. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Aww thank you a lot! She's fattened up a bit over the past few weeks haha 😄
  19. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Yes if not mistaken my mom got her out of a group of Sussex chickens (we currently have one white Sussex and this one) so yes you're right that must have been why. :)
  20. Three Musketeers

    Chicken - is this really a Sussex?

    Thank you a lot for your response! I just looked up the characteristics of the Plymouth and they do indeed line up very well. Great to know 😊
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