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  1. Cochintrice

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I keep chickens pretty differently from others, so I am usually only on here scouring for obscure medical cases or breed conversations. I don't typically have much to add since my experiences are increasingly estranged from general chook keeping. But I lurk from time to time! Away from here...
  2. Cochintrice

    Is it worth it to raise emu chicks longer before finding homes?

    So, odd question. I really want input from experienced emu breeders who sell chicks if I can get it. I LOVE emus, but my property isn't fenced, so I can't have adults. I still want to experience caring for an emu before I die and there is nowhere nearby for me to volunteer. After moving to my...
  3. Cochintrice

    ?s for blind peahen

    Oh no! That's terrible to hear D: I unfortunately am not able to take them, as my spouse is 100% against me having a male and I think I am too far. Losing feet is pretty severe though! I hatr having to turn any bird away. You know, I am a 3D modeler, and I own a good 3D printer. When they have...
  4. Cochintrice

    ?s for blind peahen

    I'm sorry your chicken didn't do well D: I understand your concerns! My blind chicken was originally sighted and very much loved the flock, but after about two weeks indoors you'd never guess he'd lived years outside. I had to start him in a small area and expand his space bit by bit, keeping...
  5. Cochintrice

    ?s for blind peahen

    There is a chance I may be adopting a blind peahen soon. Her family is discussing if they want to actually part with her or not. Being only able to see shadows she's definitely a special needs bird who will require special care. I have cared for a blind bird in the past (specifically an...
  6. Cochintrice

    Care and support for hen awaiting surgery

    BJ took a turn for the worst on Tuesday. We rushed her back in and she stayed overnight so they could give her care and do tests to make sure we weren't dealing with organ failure or anything. She went in for her procedure today, and after just over an hour and a half under anesthesia she was...
  7. Cochintrice

    Care and support for hen awaiting surgery

    I have a single bird, a 9 month old cochin hen named Big Juicy. BJ is a house chicken and in a spot of trouble. I am getting her the best care I can and we're currently awaiting a date for surgery, and I have some instructions from the vet for care in the meantime, but I'm grateful for any tips...
  8. Cochintrice

    ISO large black or any variety bantam faverolles

    Hi! I am looking for a single faverolles pullet. A standard size black faverolles, or any variety of bantam faverolles. She needs a friendly, cuddly personality. They could be the ugliest cull ever but if they are a real sweetheart I am interested! She will be beloved family here, and will also...
  9. Cochintrice

    Tooth-like lifelong growths on hen's comb suddenly expanding

    Hate to say I never found out a concrete answer, but papilloma is still a top suspect. The other contender is feathers where they shouldn't be. My poor girl passed away from old age on Sunday so I will never know for sure. In the intermim, what I gathered since: -She was having a terrible molt...
  10. Cochintrice

    Tooth-like lifelong growths on hen's comb suddenly expanding

    That might very well be it then! Cool to know, thank you! Next time she has bloodwork I'll talk to her vet about the possibility. I'm interested to know how she got it to prevent it from happening to anyone else. Ones around the vent would be painful for sure.
  11. Cochintrice

    Tooth-like lifelong growths on hen's comb suddenly expanding

    Yeah, I'm 100% sure it isn't favus or fowlpox or else this would've been a diagnosis I or my vets could come to easily on my own. I don't think she's ill and am not worried, I'm just super curious and also know this discussion will be visible for anyone else with a similar issue who might be...
  12. Cochintrice

    Tooth-like lifelong growths on hen's comb suddenly expanding

    Apologies for the length, I want to be thorough. I would like to preface this with the fact that my bird is not urgently ill! About 4 vets have seen the growths before this throughout her life and were stumped but unconcerned. So I took their collective word for it. Stuff has changed in the past...
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