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  1. Let There Be Light

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi, I'm back today! My family and I have been quite busy, and now we have new pet birds. I probably won't be here a lot, but I'll try to be on here sometimes. Thank you for checking in, by the way! :)
  2. Let There Be Light

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 500,000 Members!

    My incredible name is.... missing... :eek: (Ha ha!)
  3. Let There Be Light

    New member to BYC!

    Alright! Welcome, my friend! :welcome
  4. Let There Be Light

    Haha, it's chocolate I'm addicted to. XD I agree on the fruit flavored candy, though.

    Haha, it's chocolate I'm addicted to. XD I agree on the fruit flavored candy, though.
  5. Let There Be Light

    Chicken's Neck is Injured

    Thanks for the help, everyone!
  6. Let There Be Light

    Chicken's Neck is Injured

    (Sorry for my late reply, lots of fall events going on.) Yes, just the feathers. We've separated her and put ointment on her neck. She's actually doing a lot better now!
  7. Let There Be Light

    Aw, too bad! Are you addicted to sugar like me? 😁😆

    Aw, too bad! Are you addicted to sugar like me? 😁😆
  8. Let There Be Light

    Chicken's Neck is Injured

    It's not infected yet. She was pecked on last night we think, but she's now separated from the other birds. The only feathers that were pecked out are the ones that were on the back of her neck.
  9. Let There Be Light

    Chicken's Neck is Injured

    Ugly picture under text! One of our chickens has a bald and bloody neck (on the back). She was attacked by her "friends," so does anyone have any tips on how to help her? She seems in good spirit, but we're wondering if we can get it healed.
  10. Let There Be Light

    Yes, ma'am that's coconut on the top! (Or at least should be... 😱😆) Cool recipe! Do you make...

    Yes, ma'am that's coconut on the top! (Or at least should be... 😱😆) Cool recipe! Do you make them often?
  11. Let There Be Light

    These! :wee [MEDIA]

    These! :wee
  12. Let There Be Light

    Ended BYC's 2023 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along—Feathers of Fall Photo Contest

    Entry 1: Pumpkin's (the chicken) feathers in the sunset.
  13. Let There Be Light

    Cool! Our family also makes Swedish food for Christmas. I love the chocolate balls (of course, lol).

    Cool! Our family also makes Swedish food for Christmas. I love the chocolate balls (of course, lol).
  14. Let There Be Light

    Aww, I love your profile picture! Peep is a very cute name, too! You have Swedish in your...

    Aww, I love your profile picture! Peep is a very cute name, too! You have Swedish in your bloodline as well? No way! Cool! 😃 Who's Swedish in your family? Nearly everyone related to my mom is Swedish. :)
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