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  1. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    Update: after candling again I concluded the chick was definitely dead. I opened it up to see if I could figure out how far along it was. It had pipped internally but hadn't fully absorbed the yolk. :(
  2. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    So, the egg still hasn't hatched and mom isn't sitting on it anymore since she's busy with the other chicks. I brought it inside and candled it. I can see the chick just barely, but can't see any movement at all. No sounds either. I don't want to give up on it just yet, but I'm scared that...
  3. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    Five of the chicks hatched in the night! They're the fluffiest little guys and so healthy. There's one BO, three orpington x australorp, and one andalusion x orpington. One still hasn't pipped and I can't see any movement. Here's to hoping it hatches soon! Mom is doing great, though her crop...
  4. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    Ack, the eggs are still not losing nearly enough weight. :hmm I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record. :p:lol: Anyway, the rice wasn't doing anything (in fact, the humidity seemed to spike when I added it) and so I ended up cracking open the lid a tiny, tiny bit, which has...
  5. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    Thank you! I hope I'm just being overly paranoid with the weighing, but I guess better safe than sorry. This is my first time incubating, so if some don't hatch I won't be too hard on myself.
  6. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    I just found out my mom already has a pocket scale. :lol: After weighing them with  that I really don't think most of the eggs are losing enough weight. So I'm adding more rice, and hoping all goes well.
  7. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    So I weighed them again today and it seems that about ¾ are on track for weight loss now, but a few are still lagging behind. I'm not going to worry too much about it and just keep monitoring the aircells. Keeping the humidity at around 30% now.
  8. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    Good to know! I've been running a dehumidifier and I added some rice into the incubator. We're having a rainy spring here, so it's a fight to keep it down. :p It's at 32% currently, and if they're still not losing enough weight when I weigh them tomorrow I'll have to brainstorm what to do next.
  9. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    Yes, I lowered the humidity from 40% to 33%. I have already been weighing, but maybe I'll buy a pocket scale so I can get more accurate results. When I weigh them in a couple days I'll update this thread!
  10. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    Do you think I should I invest in a pocket scale, then? And if I wait till day 14 to weigh them again, what happens if they still haven't lost enough weight?
  11. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    Hello. :) This is my first ever attempt at incubating. I'm on day 7 and 39 of 52 eggs are fertilized and growing! I'm super excited. :ya I'm using a hova bator and it's been working great for me. I'm going the dry incubation method, since without adding water my humidity was already 40%. I...
  12. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Thank you! It's always horribly sad seeing house/farm cats dumped on a stranger's property. I feel so bad for the little guys. :hit
  13. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Wow, it's been a long while! One of our outdoor strays gave birth at the start of May to two kittens, one stillborn. So little Vincent is all on his own with just his mommy for company. :( But he's growing fast and is very healthy! I got this pic of him a few hours ago. So sweet! :love
  14. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    I feel like such a fool :lau but I'm so glad the hen will be okay! I took her off the nest a little while ago and she ate and drank. She's been a great mama so far. :love Thanks for the help everyone!
  15. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    Here's a pic. None of my broody hens in the past have had anything like this.
  16. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    Hey, so I noticed yesterday when candling the eggs beneath my EE hen that she had a large bulge near her breast. After doing some research, I'm pretty sure it's water belly (could it be anything else?) which is obviously very unfortunate. :( She's been acting completely normal for a broody...
  17. saving grace

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Entry #2 I was so glad to finally get these photos. It took many attempts, cold fingers, and frustration. :p But I think it was worth it!
  18. saving grace

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Excited to be a part of this contest again! :celebrate Entry #1
  19. saving grace

    Incubator's Temp Alarm Won't Stop Beeping

    Thanks for the suggestion! I ordered a Hovabator this morning, but I was just looking at this same incubator! Unfortunately, I did need space for more eggs, and this model didn't seem to be available in Canada.
  20. saving grace

    Incubator's Temp Alarm Won't Stop Beeping

    Thanks for the kind reply! I did end up taking the eggs out, though I did put a dozen under one of my broody hens, so it wasn't a complete loss. Besides the beeping, the temps were beginning to fluctuate badly, and in general, I was just done with the machine. :lol: I plan on investing money...
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