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  1. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Breed crossing?

    I am in fact planning on retiring him soon though because even with my four other roosters I can't seem to hatch anything but copies of him and I'm worried about the consequences of inbreeding
  2. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Breed crossing?

    Update, I've bred him with every hen in my flock and every single chick he has looks exactly like him. No physical relations to any of their mothers. I've even his daughters that I've crossed with my black Australorp rooster have nothing but carbon copies of him! There was one incident that I...
  3. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Sex of my 8 week old lavender orpington?

    This is lucy my lavender orpington, she is a total sweetheart and I'm really hoping she's a girl, what do you think?
  4. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Absolutely precious! What's her name?
  5. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Regina chicken spoiled?

    Thank you for all your responses! I will try the mash chick crumble and to try and find another chick to put with her! One last question, I've been having to give her a quail waterer because she likes to try and drown herself regularly, I'm talking dunking her head completely underwater and...
  6. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Regina chicken spoiled?

    She is far too small for the pellets so I've only really tried the chick crumbles
  7. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Regina chicken spoiled?

    I have a 4 week old chick that I call Regina who was a got from the wild flock in my area after her mum and siblings drowned. She was really weak when I pulled her from the water so I felt bad and kind of spoiled her up until to the point (allowed to roam the house, heating pads everywhere...
  8. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Can a bantam be kept with standards she was raised with?

    Update! So she ended up deciding she was a boss and it's now the top hen in flock, She's been crowing like a rooster and even fighting my barn cats! (I know for a fact she's a hen, I've seen her legs and also hatch chicks) 🤯
  9. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Can a bantam be kept with standards she was raised with?

    My bantam flock was massacred in a different coop, coons ripped the wood panels off the wall and got in that way. On this one it looks like they dug in from my nabors yard? Absolutely massive so it wouldn't surprise me if they had pushed the stone square on the coop floor out of the way while...
  10. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Can a bantam be kept with standards she was raised with?

    Earlier tonight 17 of my chickens were slaughtered by raccoons and I only have 3 left. Of those three I have a leghorn/RIR cross, a buff orpington, and my darling sea bright which I am so very thankful she survived! They're all hens and they've been kept together for the past 3 years but now...
  11. RoosterHuggerLiz

    My chickens are EATING EACH OTHER????

    You think I can salvage a few of my laying hens that aren't being that aggressive because I do have two that hide in the nesting boxes while the others attack
  12. RoosterHuggerLiz

    My chickens are EATING EACH OTHER????

    So I've always had a problem with egg eating in the coop bc my neighbors have lights in their backyard that keeps my chickens awake at night. To try and slow it down I started giving them food in the coop at night so that they would eat the food instead of the eggs but instead about 6 nights ago...
  13. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Muscovy incubation help!!!

    Of course! I was told to use a heating pad instead of a lamp for them because they can die of stress if the light is too bright??? Is this true?? And I'll post some in the morning!!
  14. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Muscovy incubation help!!!

    3 of the 4 hatched, Thank you so much helping me! I'm not sure if I'm going to keep them or not but I'm going to keep them fed until I can find out what I'm doing with them. Can Muscovys be kept with my chickens?
  15. RoosterHuggerLiz

    HELP! What do I feed new baby Muscovy ducklings?!

    Its Quail chick feed
  16. RoosterHuggerLiz

    HELP! What do I feed new baby Muscovy ducklings?!

    Could I use some quail chick feed?
  17. RoosterHuggerLiz

    HELP! What do I feed new baby Muscovy ducklings?!

    Scrambled eggs? And chicken chick starter will work? The only feed store in my area is quite far and I have no mode of transportation other than the bus so I wouldn't be able to get there
  18. RoosterHuggerLiz

    HELP! What do I feed new baby Muscovy ducklings?!

    My neighbor had a mother duck nesting in her bushes and one morning she came out to find the mother duck had been run over, she gave me the eggs knowing that I had chickens and an incubator hoping that they would live so I popped them in about a week ago and they're hatching out right now! I...
  19. RoosterHuggerLiz

    muscovy sexing?

  20. RoosterHuggerLiz

    Muscovy incubation help!!!

    My neighbor had a Muscovy hen that was nesting in the bushes in front of her house for a while, she was pulling out of her driveway this morning and found the mother duck dead in the road. She knew that I had chickens and an incubator so she gathered the eggs and brought them to me. I have no...
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