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  1. Hbalangue

    Rooster or Hen?

    Thanks everyone! I thought he was a BOY but someone convinced me he wasn’t and I thought no he’s way too pretty to be a girl!
  2. Hbalangue

    Rooster or Hen?

    What do you guys think, not entirely sure what breed the chicken is but it is about 6 months old! Just looking for any input on what you guys see and think :)
  3. Hbalangue


    I shall wait! I have a 7 month old silkie that barely started crowing 😂
  4. Hbalangue


    I think a cock too
  5. Hbalangue


  6. Hbalangue


    This little silkie is about 16 weeks old, I don’t see any female characteristics with so I am leaning towards male. It has not crowed but also hasn’t shown interest in being a hen. Any input?
  7. Hbalangue


    Who knows!
  8. Hbalangue


    I know for sure she has leghorns and silkies, but who knows. Maybe I’ll get a DNA sample just to know for sure lol!
  9. Hbalangue


    Wow those are BEAUTIFUL!
  10. Hbalangue


    Yes! All my other silkies have a very dark comb. The color doesn’t bother me though, Quazzy is more of a pet at this point. I am just curious :)
  11. Hbalangue


    Agree! I feel like she is part Leghorn or something 😂 just saying she in hopes the chicken is a girl lol. Whatever the chicken is it can stay, my son loves it and won’t part with it! The roosters don’t try to fight her but actually try to mount her but I have been bamboozled before
  12. Hbalangue


    More pictures
  13. Hbalangue


    I got this silkie from a friend, mainly due to the red waffle and comb. Friendliest chicken we have ever owned. The chicken is 16 weeks old, any guesses on sex? No crowing but I also found out that my showgirl was a boy so I give up lol!
  14. Hbalangue

    Easter Egger club!

    Sometimes you just get a rotten egg 🥚
  15. Hbalangue

    Easter Egger club!

    Did you buy eggs and hatch them or buy these chicks and get lucky with how pretty they all are! I have had some pretty chicks turn into ugly hens lol
  16. Hbalangue

    Easter Egger club!

    I love his name 😍 he’s a very handsome man!
  17. Hbalangue

    Easter Egger club!

    Wow such beautiful hens! I hope mine look half as good as yours!
  18. Hbalangue

    Pecking Injury?

    I returned her! Thank you!
  19. Hbalangue

    Pecking Injury?

    Do you think I should let her eye heal and then put her in or just put her in?
  20. Hbalangue

    Pecking Injury?

    Beth has a scab on her eye, I seen her kind of scuffle with the Rooster yesterday but I am just nervous and want some added advice for her. I separated her and she is eating and drinking fine, normal poop, breathing fine so I am just curious if anyone thinks this is the start of something more...
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