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  1. chicken_who

    Help! Swollen eye and overgrown beak on hen.

    Thank you so much for your help. I will update with progress soon. :)
  2. chicken_who

    Help! Swollen eye and overgrown beak on hen.

    Also, in the UK we are advised not to take chickens to the vet due to avian flu, so any home treatments would be great. :)
  3. chicken_who

    Help! Swollen eye and overgrown beak on hen.

    Hello all, Thank you in advance for any help and replies given. A friend has a house chicken that appears to have a swollen eye and an overgrown beak. With the beak would you use a nail file and gently file it down? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. As for the eye, I have no idea. I...
  4. chicken_who

    When do you put chicks outside?

    Depends if I use a hen or I incubate. I have only incubated once and they were outside in the shed with a brooder plate when they started to smell lol. When I’m using a broody hen I allow the hen access outdoors from her separate coop into a run so she can decide whether she wants the chicks...
  5. chicken_who

    Healthy Rescued Chick - what should I do now?

    In the UK, partridges are bred in captivity then released for shooting over a season. Any which aren't killed, then reproduce with the native population. I was hoping to bring it on and then release in a suitable area, but I will also probably call RSPCA to see what they think I should do.
  6. chicken_who

    Healthy Rescued Chick - what should I do now?

    Thanks for the reply. If it did go under the broody, would the broody be able to eat game bird food? Will defiantly quarantine now. I guess it just doesn't leave the house lol. Putting it under the broody was an option but now not sure due to having to quarantine.
  7. chicken_who

    Healthy Rescued Chick - what should I do now?

    "What birds are legal to own in the UK? You do not need to have a licence to keep a wild bird that was taken or killed legally, but you do need to be able to prove that you own it legally." - taken from google. Will call the local vet to see what they have to say.
  8. chicken_who

    Healthy Rescued Chick - what should I do now?

    Hi, this might be a long post of questions so bear with me lol. A friend brought over a chick last night and I am mostly sure that it isn't a chicken. Google says it is a partridge, that works with where the chick was found. The chick was found in a dirty puddle and there have been partridges...
  9. chicken_who

    Small solid mass/lump found on Pekin Bantam

    I am in the process of getting photos and I will update the thread when I get them. Thank you for your help.
  10. chicken_who

    Small solid mass/lump found on Pekin Bantam

    Thank for the reply its not located on her keel it is further across her body nearer her neck. She sleeps on the edge of the nesting box or in the nesting box.
  11. chicken_who

    Small solid mass/lump found on Pekin Bantam

    Hi all, A friend has got chickens and has asked for my advice about a pekin bantam chicken who is about a year old. I am unsure of the gender but the mass is said to be very solid and about 5 cm in diameter. As I have not seen for myself, I don't know what it feels like personally but the...
  12. chicken_who

    Gold laced bantam Barnevelder Gender?

    Thank you to all who replied. :)
  13. chicken_who

    Gold laced bantam Barnevelder Gender?

    Hi all, I have recently hatched some more chicks and I am certain about the genders of most of them. Just wanting to confirm that this little chick is a boy please. He is a gold laced bantam barnevelder and is about 6 weeks old. Thanks.
  14. chicken_who

    Chick genders please

    Thank you for all of your help. It is much appreciated. :)
  15. chicken_who

    Chick genders please

    Sorry for the late reply. Here are the pictures of humbug: @TheOddOneOut . Apologies if the pictures aren't fully clear. His feathers are very white when in the sun and tend to glare when photos are taken.
  16. chicken_who

    Chick genders please

    Thank you for the reply. I will update with pictures of Humbug tomorrow when it is daylight.
  17. chicken_who

    Chick genders please

    Hello all, These are the updated pictures of the chicks at 9 and a half weeks old. Just wondering on the genders before they start waking us up early in the morning or hopefully giving us eggs. :) Chick 1 - Bluebell Chick 2 - Ash Chick 3 - Olive Chick 4 - Humbug Chick 5 - Willow...
  18. chicken_who

    Thanks for the follow back!

    Thanks for the follow back!
  19. chicken_who

    Chick genders please

    Thank you everyone who has helped and commented. I will add new pictures as they grow older. :)
  20. chicken_who

    Chick genders please

    Hi all, I have recently hatched Wyandotte chicks using an incubator and broody hen and I believe all the chicks are healthy with the broody hen. They are about 5 and a half weeks old, which could be a bit young, but I'll update this thread every few weeks with new pictures. If you could help...
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