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  1. HortonCreek

    Are Winter Eggs Like Refrigerated Eggs?

    So for me personally I usually prefer not to refrigerate my eggs but also don’t like eggs changing temps too much. Once the cold season is upon us, if we collect long after laying and the eggs have sat in the cold for a while, then they go in the refrigerator. If we collect right after being...
  2. HortonCreek

    Help! Identifying Coturnix Quail

    In case it wasn’t stated yet, your grey ones are called silvers, or more specifically part of the “Schofield Silver Collection“ or SSC. If you’re into learning about your colors, it’s a really fun color with an interesting story. It is a dilution type gene with a lethal factor hence why it is a...
  3. HortonCreek

    What day do your coturnix quail hatch?

    99% on day 18 with a few stragglers on day 19. We still run it until day 21 but rarely get any that late.
  4. HortonCreek

    Day 1 Brooder Temp

    That is interesting. Our fresh hatchlings like incubator temps to start in the brooder. I would be inclined to agree with your conclusion. Where do you keep your brooder and what is the ambient air temp in the space? We’ve found that if you brood chicks in an unheated building during the cold...
  5. HortonCreek

    A Few Mixed Questions About Coturnix Quail

    Hello there! Quail are such a wonderful addition you are going to wonder why you waited so long. I’ve found with quail that it’s not as cut and dry as all the research suggests. In fact you are going to find a lot of conflicting information and beliefs held among various quailors but the fact is...
  6. HortonCreek

    Quail brooder

    That brooder is gorgeous! :love I would love something like that but my extreme frugality would never allow it. As for your genetics question, if you bred a Rosetta to a golden, in a perfect world scenario, you should get a percentage of rosettas, a percentage of goldens, and a percentage of...
  7. HortonCreek

    coop size too small or too big which is better

    As we grow I will most certainly be implementing a stacked design. It hadn't even crossed my mind. I was struggling with where I was going to add more nesting boxes. Thanks a ton!
  8. HortonCreek

    coop size too small or too big which is better

    I’m so glad I clicked on this thread. I was also in the camp of smaller is better because it’s less space to heat and thus will be easier for our girls to keep it warm with their body heat. I had forgotten about the days in February when the girls did not even venture outside! This was never a...
  9. HortonCreek

    What exactly did you Google (search engine of your choice) to get here?

    voted other. I’m thinking it was “roux dilute quail genetics” that lead me to a discussion thread, which further lead me to a quail hatch along thread where, for the last few months, I learned so much as I poured through 3,500+ pages. So many enlightening and informative side tangents!
  10. HortonCreek

    Review by 'HortonCreek' in article 'Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?'

    Very good read! While I may not personally experience the boredom, it is great to experience another’s perspective through an eloquently written article. Wonderful!
  11. HortonCreek

    Broody Chicken - To move or not?!

    Is there a way to encourage her to stay in the crate? We have our first ever broody hen here too and she won’t stay in the crate we gave her or any specific nesting box for that matter. She moves to new box a couple times a day.
  12. HortonCreek

    HELP!!!Does she have an infected crop maybe???!!!

    I think it’s been covered about checking if the crop empties overnight but if it makes you feel any better we get a random hen doing that on some nights and haven’t yet found any correlation to a health issue. It reminds me a lot of how my parakeets used to say “I love you!” Except they would...
  13. HortonCreek

    Lay an egg or you will be dinner!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!

    FWIW, Our orpingtons took FOREVER to start laying. My favorite thing to tell them every morning from week 16 until about week 24 was “either give me breakfast or I’ll make you breakfast!” :p How’s your daylight hours at this point? They might be calling it for the year. (And no I would never...
  14. HortonCreek

    Hay or straw in run or neither for winter?

    NY here as well and we live in very wet area so free wood chips are our best friend. We tried hay originally and it did get extremely nasty and I thought "Eh just keep piling it on!" What a mess to clean in spring. That being said, our new girls saw snow for the first time the other day and...
  15. HortonCreek

    Many, many rats

    I accidentally discovered an amazingly effective rat trap. We started soaking and sprouting grains in a 5 gallon bucket for the girls a few months ago. I'll fill the pail maybe 1/3 with the seed and enough water so there's about 5 - 6 inches covering the seed. I'll wake up on any given morning...
  16. HortonCreek

    Hello fellow poultry enthusiasts!

    Thanks so much everyone for the warm welcome! :love I think social media has me trained to always anticipate greetings of torches and pitchforks. I must say, I feel a sense of relief to know I'm not alone in my passion (obsession). However, after using BYC as a resource for so long, I'm almost...
  17. HortonCreek

    Silver Gene

    Good point on the celadon eggs never being cream inside. Very interesting thought to ponder.
  18. HortonCreek

    Silver Gene

    So, totally new here, introduced myself on the main social area and I'll probably talking completely out of my butt, BUT, I geek out over quail genetics. I came for the silvers but will stay for the celadons. I am currently in the process of producing a homozygous male from 1 random celadon...
  19. HortonCreek

    Hello fellow poultry enthusiasts!

    Hello all! I've finally worked up the nerve to be an active member. I've been passionate about and raising chickens for a few years and found this forum as I began to branch out and explore other poultry options (specifically quail). I have recently transitioned from working my 9-5 to...
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