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  1. S

    Bielefelder thread!!!!

    Are the eggs large? My biels lay huge eggs.
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    Bielefelder thread!!!!

    Beautiful. Is he SOP worthy?
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    Bielefelder thread!!!!

    I have a couple Biels and I wish I had more. They’re smart, friendly, large, cold hardy, and are an auto-sexing breed. I had to rehome my cockerel as we are not allowed to have roosters. I’m in MN and I know a good small breeder who will ship chicks when the weather warms up.
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    Official BYC Poll: With Winter Upon Us, What Preparations Have You Made For Your Chickens?

    I took rebar, electrical pvc brackets, and the plastic foot you might put on a stool or cane. My run is made of salvaged 5/4 cedar or 2 x 8 deck material. I mounted the bottom pvc bracket with a foot inside the bracket so that the rebar doesn’t fall through. Then I used thin cdx or paneling to...
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    Official BYC Poll: With Winter Upon Us, What Preparations Have You Made For Your Chickens?

    I live in MN and it was -25 the other night. I have ten young hens and most of them have small combs and wattles. So far only one has had frostbite and that was before I discovered Mushers Choice (a beeswax based coating). I rub in a fresh coat once a week. The stuff really works. My chicken...
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    Comment by 'SkiboJeff' in article 'Chickens & Winter Egg Laying and Lighting'

    I have power in my coop and run. I live in MN and last night the temp was -20. My chickens are surviving the severe cold and I’m getting five or six eggs a day from nine young hens. I don’t provide additional light but they have a large window right in front of their roost. I use the deep litter...
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    Is high quality feed worth the money?

    And remember, no one listens to free advice. I’m sure you can charge what they’re worth.
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    Is high quality feed worth the money?

    I feed Purina layer crumbles and provide on demand hard wheat, black sunflowers, oyster shell, and granite chips. My wife spoils them daily with scratch and Meal worms. My nine new hens are laying beautiful hard shelled eggs even though we are in MN in the middle of winter and it’s -15 today...
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    New breeds!

    They are big friendly chickens who are smart, curious, free range well, and lay large eggs. Because of their size, they eat a lot.
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    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 12-17-21 Pic by MGG

    What eggsactly is going on here?
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    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 12-10-21 Pic by Chookwagn

    I’m just trying to get to the other side.
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    EE hens parentage question

    Isn’t she pretty and what a great egg color. I’ll bet your egg basket is a work of art.
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    EE hens parentage question

    The pure bread wheaten lay a dark chocolate. This is Ethel who is 3/4 CCL and 1/4 wheaten. Lays a peachy colored egg.
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    EE hens parentage question

    I'm wondering if your EEs are a CCL/Wheaten Marans cross. They have the wheaten coloring, underneath fluff, and black tail. Plus the blue/chocolate egg combo would give you the pretty green. Just a thought.
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    Cool crosses!?

    Bielefelder roosters are so cool
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    Cool crosses!?

    This is Ginger. A Bielefelder/CCL cross. She has green legs. She’s big and beautiful. Hasn’t laid an egg yet but it should be any day now.
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    Cool crosses!?

    This is Doris. CCL/Ameraucuana.
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    Help with Mites/lice treatment

    I used permethrin. I pulled each bird off the roost and thoroughly dusted it top and bottom while on my lap. I did it two Sunday nights in a row. I also put a handful mixed with wood ash in their dust bath. I've had no problems since the treatment.
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