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  1. SerrarGett

    The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

    Next: Chicken on a log
  2. SerrarGett

    7 week old Easter Egger - Pullet or Cockerel?

    Thanks everyone! I was so worried I'd get another rooster. I already have too many!
  3. SerrarGett

    7 week old Easter Egger - Pullet or Cockerel?

    So... I have a seven week old Easter Egger who was sold to me as a pullet, but I'm doubting she is a she. His/her comb is getting large and red, not to mention she is larger than the other Easter Egger I purchased at the same time (who I'm pretty sure is female). I've attached pictures of both...
  4. SerrarGett

    EE hen or rooster?

    I'm not an expert at sexing, but the comb is still small and pale. If it grows or darkens drastically in the next two months, it's probably a cockerel. Also, this is around the time you'll get saddle and hackle feathers. I see some rounded hackle feathers on the neck, indicating a pullet. Are...
  5. SerrarGett

    Broken toe?

    She's no longer limping. I think it was just the initial pain that caused her to be slower than the rest.
  6. SerrarGett

    Broken toe?

    Good. I spent a while combing through articles, and many said it should be fine. Thank you for the reassurance!
  7. SerrarGett

    I found my ducks nest..

    Are our brains synced? I was thinking the exact same thing!
  8. SerrarGett

    Broken toe?

    I just noticed how this Buff Orphington's toe is bent. She's limping and can't run as well as the other chicks. Does anyone know what this is? Will it heal naturally, or should I interfere?
  9. SerrarGett

    Poultry Eye Photo Contest! ***no prizes*** Ended

    1 week old Easter Egger chick Bunty Category 1 Even at such a young age, she is extremely sassy. She's already high up in the pecking order.
  10. SerrarGett

    Easter Egger Rooster - Fresno, CA

    I'm in Fresno, CA and willing to drive an hour or two to find a good home for him. He is a small, but dominant white Easter Egger with a few black patches. He's not friendly, but not aggressive either. The worst he's done is charge my leg for food. I've been picking up and holding him, so he's...
  11. SerrarGett

    One Week Left - Countdown to Chicks

    It took long enough, but I got my chicks yesterday! Six of the eight were shipped (they didn't have any more Australorps) and they all arrived healthy and strong. I may check out Tractor Supply's babies when these are a little older. Here are the little fuzzballs! I'm also really excited to...
  12. SerrarGett

    Need help on name??

    Pradera (pronounced prah - deh - rah) is Spanish for prairie or meadow. Also, congrats on the new additions. For your olive egger, how about Verde to match (pronounced ver - deh)?
  13. SerrarGett

    One Week Left - Countdown to Chicks

    So... I'm getting 8 female chicks the week of April 12th. This will be my first time raising birds from chicks and I'm looking forward to bonding with them. Hopefully they turn out friendlier than my roosters! I ordered: 2 "Ameraucanas" - most likely going to be Easter Eggers 2 Buff Orphingtons...
  14. SerrarGett

    Free Snowy Easter Egger rooster

    He looks similar to my roosters. I hope he finds a good home!
  15. SerrarGett

    Proud new chicks mama

    So cute! Congrats on the new chicks:celebrate
  16. SerrarGett

    Easter Egger club!

    No, actually I found them near a canal. There were three at the time, but one became very aggressive and I decided to cull him. Now I have two sweet Easter Eggers boys!
  17. SerrarGett

    Easter Egger club!

    I heard it from a friend. They were originally going to name their pet Spleens, but they decided against it. So, they gave me "permission" to name my rooster after an organ.
  18. SerrarGett

    Easter Egger club!

    I didn't know this existed. Here's one of my roosters. I present to you: Spleens!
  19. SerrarGett

    Question re: Soy Sauce?

    Whoops, I meant excessive amounts of scratch grains, so cracked, rolled, and whole grains. A chicken fed entirely off of grains won't be as healthy as a chicken with a balanced diet. That's all.
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