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  1. PurpleCArTires

    Managing Leukosis

    Most of mine now are mostly a barnyard mix of larger birds. If I start a new flock, I am focusing on smaller birds that are high egg layers with good free ranging. I am thinking about the following (since I like my rainbow egg cartons): Leghorns (white eggs) Whitings True Blue (blue eggs)...
  2. PurpleCArTires

    Managing Leukosis

    I am looking into RAL Labs for testing. I just asked a question on another thread, but I might just call them later to get the details. If it is Mereks, it would be a real shame, since keeping these chickens is heartbreaking and expensive.... and we cant get new ones :(
  3. PurpleCArTires

    lymphoid leukosis - what next?

    I know this is an older thread, but question about the PCR Test. Did you literally write on the form "Avian Leukosis" and they were able to test for it? What did you send in for the test?
  4. PurpleCArTires

    Managing Leukosis

    Thanks! I agree, I first thought it was Mareks (since that is what my neighbors chicken was diagnosed with (who also died around 5-6 months old)). But all of my sick chicken losses are around laying age. I rarely ever have any issues with the younger chickens (only really lost them to my goat...
  5. PurpleCArTires

    Managing Leukosis

    My story.... Its a long one, so grab a coffee! I believe it all began my first year raising chickens. I didn't know about biosecurity and I "rescued" 6 battery hens from a meat farm down the road (I was so impatient with wanting eggs). I put them in with my 3-4 month old chickens. All was well...
  6. PurpleCArTires

    Membrane Stuck to Eye

    It's a 12 egg kebonnix. The last 4 or 5 hatches have had humidity issues, but this is the last straw. I am going to get a new one.
  7. PurpleCArTires

    Membrane Stuck to Eye

    My incubator is failing and this poor guy was the only survivor from 12 eggs. It was severely shrunk wrapped and went almost 48 hours before I finally candled and decided to help him. I got him out and he is very lively, but has membrane dried and stuck to his eye and wing. I tried coconut oil...
  8. PurpleCArTires

    What color is this NZ rabbit?

    I purchased her bred and I am getting ready to start listing the babies. I am curious what color would she be considered? She has a black undercoat with brown tips. She is supposed to be full New Zealand. thanks!
  9. PurpleCArTires

    Was the killer a racoon?

    Yep I am going to have to run another hotline due to the way our fence is set up. I am also blocking any gaps in the fence (it's a very old fence) with sticks and rubbish and so he will have to work harder to get in and out
  10. PurpleCArTires

    Was the killer a racoon?

    Yeah we are in MD. No bobcats here. My husband saw the coyote two days ago attacking the boys. I also have been unable to catch him in my havaheart trap, since it's too big, so it's a fair chance he was the killer in the first round of murders a few months ago. My neighbor also told me he shot...
  11. PurpleCArTires

    Was the killer a racoon?

    Yeah I have lines around every perimeter fence for each pen. They are high tho and I think the coyote goes under the fence
  12. PurpleCArTires

    Was the killer a racoon?

    It's been almost 2 months since the attack. I caught a feral cat and my cat in my havaheart trap. So I gave up. I reenforced the coop and added a new automatic door. It's fort Knox at night. So, I had to move 5 boys over to this pen to stop harassing the ladies. 3 were killed yesterday by a...
  13. PurpleCArTires

    My most special chick has a Cross Beak!

    Thank you for asking. I ended up culling. By 2 weeks old, it's beak had gotten so bad it couldn't eat. It completely twisted to the side. It progressed so fast, I couldn't even believe it. I should have taken a pic to show you guys
  14. PurpleCArTires

    My most special chick has a Cross Beak!

    I read another post and someone recommended BioPlasma. I just ordered a bottle. its worth a try to save it. Otherwise, I'll see how bad he/she gets and decide to cull later. Thanks!
  15. PurpleCArTires

    My most special chick has a Cross Beak!

    Yes, it is as of right now its eating and drinking fine. I have had one other cross beak (i did not hatch it). Its beak got so bad it was eventually starving. I put so much time into that chicken, trimming its beak, special feeding etc, and it still didnt matter, he ended up loosing weight and...
  16. PurpleCArTires

    My most special chick has a Cross Beak!

    I just incubator hatched these guys 5 days ago. I got the MOST special chick ever (that we have hatched). Its got spots, different colored eyes, speckled beak, and an awesome beard <3 But... this morning I noticed a cross beak developing. Its lower jaw feels very loose. It is eating and...
  17. PurpleCArTires

    feeding rabbits

    It's good to know about dandelion and vitamin a! I have billions of dandelions for summer. But I'd need to figure something out for winter. Thank you for the input!
  18. PurpleCArTires

    feeding rabbits

    What do you all feed your rabbits daily? We are new to meat rabbits and looking to minimize feed costs. Right now they are getting unlimited 2nd cut orchard grass, about 1 cup of wheat fodder (grass, seeds, and roots), and approx 1/2 cup pellets. They also have mineral and salt wheels (but...
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