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  1. B

    Hen with laryngitis???

    Thank you @nuthatched She still doesn't have much vocal quality yet, so she is staying really close to her protected run and I'm just being more vigilant about what's in /around the fenced yard- giving her time to heal... we do have a feral cat running thorough the area (that's probably what...
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    Hen with laryngitis???

    Tuesday my girl alerted to something (she is typically not very vocal) and then later that evening she could barely make a sound... I have been giving her some warm meduka honey water, and gently stroking her throat/neck. She still doesn't have much vocal quality - I worry that she cannot sound...
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    Not sure if this is Infectious Bronchitis or something else??? Please Advise :-)

    Update: I have had both my girls on Calcium 600mg +D3 for 5 days now (Matilda refused her calcium today- I don't have to force them to take it they just gobble it up with some yogurt) plus I have been giving them an herbal tincture that is antiviral/antibacterial/ anti inflammatory- with thyme...
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    Infectious Bronchitis?

    My vet (though he doesn't treat chickens per se) said that if I ever gave the girls an antibiotic we would never be able to consume their eggs again (???)
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    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Thank You @Eggcessive I posted a new thread Is there anything I can do to treat an oviduct issue?
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    Not sure if this is Infectious Bronchitis or something else??? Please Advise :-)

    Hi all, I'm not sure if it is Infectious bronchitis in my girl, as neither of my girls have had any indications of illness (sneezing, coughing, lethargy, droopy combs, etc.,) I have dealt with the oddly wrinkled egg off and on since they started laying. They are now going on 3 years old (in...
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    Infectious Bronchitis?

    Hi all, I'm not sure if it is Infectious bronchitis in my girl, as neither of my girls have had any indications of illness (sneezing, coughing, lethargy, droopy combs, etc.,) I have dealt with the oddly wrinkled egg off and on since they started laying. They are now going on 3 years old (in...
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    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I only have 2 girls, so I keep pretty close tabs on them. My girls went into a heavy molt (first molt for them) in the fall/ winter (October/November-January) I have gotten just over 2 dozen eggs since November. They used to be VERY consistent daily layers- even through the winter months. I...
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    Tractor supply brands of feed

    I purchased a bag of "Cluck & Company" organic feed from TSC as it is cheaper & local. I have been ordering "Scratch & Peck" organic feeds from Amazon and prices have really gone up. All that to say that my girls would not even touch the Cluck & Company feed. I tried to feed it dry, fermented...
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    How many eggs is everybody getting?

    I live in Northern Michigan, I only have 2 girls (they will be 3 yo in July). They went into molt at the end of September and we got our first snow before Halloween. The temps have been variable (teens to 30's) but the girls have not wanted to wander out of their enclosed run since the snow...
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    my girl is having a hard time laying- her vent is dry and pale

    Her eggs have been "wrinkled" from the time she began laying. She is acting normally ... eating , drinking, running around. I feed an organic layer whole grain 1/2 cup (Scratch &Peck is the company) I ferment the grains and also moisten an organic Layer Pellet 1/2 cup (it usually takes a couple...
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    my girl is having a hard time laying- her vent is dry and pale

    My girls will be 2 years old in July. My one girl (Matilda) has always had a bit of difficulty as she is regularly laying a bit larger eggs than the other one (Merisol). Recently Matilda has had increased trouble laying... she screeches loudly and her eggs are a bit deformed... they are ranging...
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    HOW TO FEED YOUR CHICKENS if there is no scratch or pellets?

    I only have 2 girls and I keep the 1/2 gallon jar refreshed constantly- if I pull a half cup of food out I put a half cup of dry food and cover with water back in. I usually offer about a half cup of fermented grain/seeds and a 1/4 cup of soaked pellets... if they are foraging it will usually...
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    HOW TO FEED YOUR CHICKENS if there is no scratch or pellets?

    I tried growing fodder this winter for my girls and sprouting seeds and all I got for the trouble were a bunch of fungus knats in my house. The grasses and seeds that I sprouted provided SOME food for the girls to supplement the normal rations, but it died off or got moldy too quickly. I do...
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    Can chicken eggs be too big?

    I think maybe the breed may have some effect, but I lost a girl to a prolapsed vent because she consistently laid 100+ gram eggs. It was a matter of her getting too much protein (or how she processed it) I feed a16% layer feed and she was definitely a food hog. I have since cut back on the...
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    I think my girl has frostbite

    I only have 2 girls. Inside the garage- upstairs there 12 sq feet (36 cu. ft.) that is where they sleep and lay, downstairs there is about 48 sq. ft. I have ventilation windows around the entire top of the upstairs and the bottom is all hardware cloth- but I have it covered in cardboard and...
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    I think my girl has frostbite

    Thank you @Eggcessive . It was pretty wet and blistered when I brought her in. I put the Neosporin on it but gently wiped the excess off after it was absorbed. Should I try to keep them in the coop when it is below zero.
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    I think my girl has frostbite

    We have had below zero temps here and my girls will not stay in the coop, they choose to go out into the run which though it is closed it is the same temp as the outside due to the top ventilation, and door is only covered by some plastic sheeting. Her comb was fine yesterday and looked okay...
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    Winter Feed Cost and Growing Fodder

    I usually feed them fermented grains on one side and soaked pellets on the other. I put it out in the morning, and they usually eat it all before bed, it does dry out a bit during the day, and I just add some water or bone broth to it to remoisten it as needed. if there is any leftovers at...
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