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  1. jinpark8282

    Free pullets Bergen County 07640

    I have too many chickens. They are 8 weeks old and all pullets. 1 orpington 2 road island reds Please let me know if you are interested.
  2. jinpark8282

    Chicken Run dirt is like concrete

    there was like an 2 inch layer of poo and dirt. Removed it and there is dirt below that. Back to normal.
  3. jinpark8282

    New Jersey

    If you live in North Jersey and love Chickens join our FB group. Just another chicken group more addition to BYC
  4. jinpark8282

    Chicken Run dirt is like concrete

    This is my run. I will try the wood chips and dirt. The ground is very compact. You can see the difference..... Run present: Run Previously:
  5. jinpark8282

    Recommended quiet/friendly breeds

    Picture of my Splash Ameraucana. Don't get a polish they are so damn loud and very nervous chickens. The Splash is like a like a puppy, always wants to be picked up.
  6. jinpark8282

    Recommended quiet/friendly breeds

    out of all my hens ameraucanas are the quietest. The one have in the profile picture always wants to be picked up for a nice petting. Second Orpingtons are quiet, but not even close to temperment of the this chicken.
  7. jinpark8282

    Chicken Run dirt is like concrete

    I have a run and after some heavy rain and time now it is like hard as a rock. Is there any way I can soften it? Sand maybe? If sand and i just use play sand?
  8. jinpark8282

    Feather loss

    Does anyone know what is going on with my Ameraucana? Loosing feathers where beard suppose to be and one of my orpington lost feathers around her butt. Ameraucana is 9 months old. The orpington is 2 years old. Ameraucana
  9. jinpark8282

    Just want to see if anyone know what she is...

    it was given to me by a friend and after I hatched it for him. He got the eggs from Ebay.
  10. jinpark8282

    New Jersey

    ok Kibbles for the chickens. Thanks.
  11. jinpark8282

    New Jersey

    chickens started their first molt. They look awful. Should I just up their daily grubs?
  12. jinpark8282

    Please help! Are these Amerucana?

    Are they suppose to be skittish? Mine comes to me if I call them. this is a picture of my Ameraucana when they were younger. Right now they are going through integration and I feel really bad for them.... They seem very docile not like my other chickens.
  13. jinpark8282

    Need Home for two Golden Comets (Northern NJ)

    about what week should I introduce pullets to the flock? I was thinking week 18.
  14. jinpark8282

    Need Home for two Golden Comets (Northern NJ)

    Sorry they have Homes already.
  15. jinpark8282

    New Jersey

    spend father's day Finishing my brooder and making improvements. 1. added heat controller 2. External power box 3. adding additional vents and lids on the brooder. Don't want my new Ameraucana chicks to over heat.
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