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  1. J

    Goose who thinks hes a person

    He is a canada goose We're pretty sure he's a gander. We haven't done the vent test but he's very territorial, He's got a deep honk, we can tell the difference between the females.
  2. J

    Goose who thinks hes a person

    We live on a river and 7 months ago we had a hatchling that was left by its parents. There are tons of geese everywhere and he goes to the river to swim but he doesn't pay attention to the other geese. Instead he'll find a person swimming or fishing and he'll go hang out with them until they...
  3. J

    very attached gosling

    I'm feeding grass and waterfowl feed
  4. J

    very attached gosling

    We found a baby Canadian gosling left for dead in our yard where we have a platform nest. The family left it and didn't come back for 3 days. So we took it in and have been raising it. It's now about 2 and a half weeks old and has become very attached to us, we named it Kirby. My husband and i...
  5. J

    Canada Goose Goslings for Sale

    How old are they? I have a 10 day old Canada gosling that was orphaned and I'm worried about it growing up alone.
  6. J

    7 hens, 3 eggs

    I have 7 hens around 13 months old. (had 8, one died of impacted crop) they started laying in early winter of 2020 and i was getting 7 eggs a day. winter progressed and i would get between 4 or 5 a day. now summer is here and i am getting 3 eggs. My sister also has 7 hens from the same brood and...
  7. J

    No eggshell

    just an update on my girls! Since I have changed the the red light to a lower wattage and have the light goin off at night for 9 hours, my hens are doing much better! I've implemented an additional roost and move the nesting boxes next to each other. I am now getting 5 eggs a day as opposed to 2.
  8. J

    No eggshell

    no, it is a red reptile light, i had a 40 watt in there and just changed it to 60 watt a few weeks ago...hmmm the 60 watt is brighter so maybe that was the problem, but now ive just set the timer to go of at 9pm and back on at 5am and i think ill change back the the 40 watt.
  9. J

    No eggshell

    my coop is 5x6x4, my run is 10x16 I just put another roost up in the coop and changed my light timer to simulate the light i'll get in the summer. instead of having it on all night.
  10. J

    No eggshell

    I have 3 dominant copper, 3 ISA brown and 2 novagen, i feed them nutrena layer feed. I used to let them free range for most of ithe day but the last week or 2 i dont let them out until about 4. I give them scratch once about every other day and they get my left over veggies and fruit. I give...
  11. J

    No eggshell

    Iha I have 3 dominant copper, 3 ISA brown and 2 novagen, i feed them nutrena layer feed. I used to let them free range for most of ithe day but the last week or 2 i dont let them out until about 4. I give them scratch once about every other day and they get my left over veggies and fruit. I...
  12. J

    No eggshell

    Help! I have 8 chickens, born in June 2020.I started getting eggs around the end of october. Getting a couple a day at first, then by December getting 6 or 7 a day. I live in southern oregon and there have only been a few days below freezing. I have a small insulated coop with a 60 watt red heat...
  13. J

    heat lamp at night

    I've put a small red heat bulb in my coop and have it on at night, I'm wondering if this is causing my chickens to be more unsettled. Can they see with the red light and will they have a harder time sleeping with it on? It's not really that cold yet but i have a small coop and with the time...
  14. J

    Nesting boxes

    I do have a large door on the outside of the cool that I open every morning and it stays open until they roost for the night. I leave the window open at night but the coop is actually all opened up for an average of 12-14 hours a day.
  15. J

    Nesting boxes

    We were going to put in another window would a small exhaust fan be better. The coop does have power to it.
  16. J

    Nesting boxes

    I'm new to the chicken community and have so many questions! I have 8 hens, a small coop, about 4x6x4 and a large fully enclosed run 10x 16. My hens are about 14 weeks old and I need to add nesting boxes. My coop has 1 window, the chiclen door on the run on the outside for me to get in and...
  17. J

    Changing feed

    My chicks are 13 weeks old and this is new to me so I've got many questions! I'm finishing the last of my chick starter feed. I'm wondering what type of feed to switch them to. I've read they may start laying between 15 and 20 weeks and we're going into fall, seems they are starting to mold a...
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