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  1. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    Thank you for taking the time to so thoughtfully respond. I'm happy to hear that it's probably okay to sell the chicks, which have all remained healthy, are getting bigger by the week, & smelling up my house! I really need to unload them before the cold weather hits, but was afraid to do it in...
  2. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    I did inform the State Vet at Cornell of the breeders' unexpected reaction and my concerns. None of the birds I got from her had the testing bands on and she never offered her NPIP #. Only the birds I got from a secondary breeder (who got her birds from the first) had their bands on...
  3. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    FYI--I never did sell the chicks I was wondering about (the ones that hatched as this was all unfolding). They are still living in the house, away from exposure-- all 30 of them!! I don't really know what I am going to do with this hot mess-- winter is coming & I will have way too many birds...
  4. chickmamato7

    blue-grey colored matter in egg one day, soft shelled egg the next

    Thank you for explaining. It's all so fascinating, the complex process that goes into how an egg is made. It's even more amazing that most of the time they come out right! I have a new appreciation for all those perfect eggs we so carelessly crack without a thought!
  5. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    I'm afraid to start any trouble. She really is a lovely woman, just has a different belief system she is following. It would be hard to prove, anyway, since once you leave the sellers property and walk on your own grass... My guess is that she's probably used to selling to inexperienced...
  6. chickmamato7

    blue-grey colored matter in egg one day, soft shelled egg the next

    Some of my birds tested positive for IB and MS. Not sure if she was one with MS because they were tested in groups and swabs were tested together by condition of bird: healthy, sneezing/coughing, sickest w/ complicating factors). I'm planning to see how the winter goes and then re-test the...
  7. chickmamato7

    blue-grey colored matter in egg one day, soft shelled egg the next

    No visible damage & normal shell hardness. My daughter is totally grossed out on fresh eggs now & wants to go back to store bought!
  8. chickmamato7

    blue-grey colored matter in egg one day, soft shelled egg the next

    My Easter egger laid her first few eggs this week after an extended laying break due to respiratory illness... today I cracked one open to find weird grey/blue matter inside. My first reaction was to toss it in the garbage, so that is where the picture was taken, but you can still see the...
  9. chickmamato7

    What is good head hen behavior?

    My meanest chicken became a great leader and flock protector over time. The reason she struggled initially is that I had 3 potential leaders and they didn't always submit appropriately. I eventually re-homed the 2 lower ranking and they went on to become great leaders of different flocks. All...
  10. chickmamato7

    Stinky run!!!!!

    I wouldn't use sand in a wet area. It stinks when wet and never dries completely unless it gets direct sun. Damp sand also encourages mold growth if anything is placed on top of it, especially around food sources where chickens are likely to ingest it. Maybe get a tiller in there and turn that...
  11. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    I reached out to the NPIP breeder I got my new chicks and adult rooster from to inform her of my situation so that she could take steps on her end. Her reaction was to laugh & tell me it was nothing to worry about! That Bronchitis & MS is the common cold for chickens. She said that if every BY...
  12. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    The test results came back negative for AI & MG/ positive for MS & Infectious Bronchitis. I have so many baby chicks piling up right now. Don't know what to do. I have never culled a bird before and don't know if I can do it, but some of them have to go (roosters for sure).
  13. chickmamato7

    So I finally found a vet with ties to Cornell that sees chickens... and then the state contacted me to test for AI!

    6 birds currently have respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing, wheezing, some have clear nasal discharge). Four of the six developed vent gleet and laid a soft shelled or thin shelled egg preceding the onset of symptoms. The sickest bird and first to become ill has a swollen eye, has foul...
  14. chickmamato7

    3 now down with respiratory symptoms-- I'm scared

    2nd Update (not looking good): The first bird to show symptoms has developed swelling around the eyes (which are now watery & half closed) and is sneezing wet, clear fluid. She looks to be shutting down. In the 2nd group of 2 birds, one has perked up and the other has relapsed. She is now...
  15. chickmamato7

    3 now down with respiratory symptoms-- I'm scared

    Thank you! I got them both to eat and drink before work and to my surprise, both are doing so much better today. The one I thought would surely die is now walking around, eating, drinking, and breathing with a closed mouth. Her energy is not 100% back, but I think she is probably going to...
  16. chickmamato7

    3 now down with respiratory symptoms-- I'm scared

    Started last weds after mite treatment. Bird 1 started honking & sneezing the next day, also developed crop issue & vent gleet. Thought she had aspirated some fluid & ordered Fishmox & Tylosin powder, but despite paying extra for 2-day shipping, neither is expected to arrive before Tues-Thurs...
  17. chickmamato7

    Need advice: vent gleet & respiratory symptoms

    Thank you. She is doing much better today. Eating and drinking on her own. Poop looks normal. Her breathing sounds much better, but she is still sneezing. I'm going to give it one more night inside, just to be sure she is improving.
  18. chickmamato7

    Need advice: vent gleet & respiratory symptoms

    Thank you for responding! I had read both those articles and was following the advice provided in them. I was able to clear the crop completely and do suspect that the gurgle & sneeze is due to material in the lungs from the now resolved crop issue. How do I help her clear that? Does holding her...
  19. chickmamato7

    Need advice: vent gleet & respiratory symptoms

    I have a 1 year old Silkie hen with vent gleet, & respiratory symptoms. Back story: added some new flock members from 2 different NPIP breeders and acquired a mite infestation (the little black dot variety). One day after treatment with Pen & Poultry Spray & Gardstar Garden & Poultry Dust, I...
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