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  1. C

    Sour crop - it’s been 5 days

    I have a hen with sour crop and vent gleet. We started to give her crop massages and canesten powder twice a day but she hasn’t improved much. I’m starting to really worry because her food intake has been nearly zero. We have been giving her acv water and even electrolyte water to make sure...
  2. C

    Mites - treated, how soon to see improvement?

    I haven’t seen any of the other birds in as bad shape as her. They’ve all been treated. But I think I wasn’t generous enough spraying because she was the first one we did and I didn’t want to stress her out. In hind sight I probably should have soaked her down. I’ll inspect the rest of them...
  3. C

    Mites - treated, how soon to see improvement?

    Update. We lost her overnight. We had brought her in and had her in a crate because she was so weak. When we found her in the morning her feathers were COVERED in mites. So she had a worse infestation than we realized. Moral of the story: treat them right away if you suspect mites.
  4. C

    Mites - treated, how soon to see improvement?

    Her poops have been wet and yellow-ish today. But she’s not doing well at all.
  5. C

    Mites - treated, how soon to see improvement?

    I got the name wrong. LOL, it's called Boss, and the active ingredient is permethrin. The vet said to treat now, then again in 2 weeks.
  6. C

    Mites - treated, how soon to see improvement?

    I have a hen who has been put through the wringer this year. She got sick in the spring, went on antibiotics, and has never been the same. Recently, she started acting very sick, flat deflated comb. We gave her some nutridrench, and noticed she is moulting, so assumed the moult was the...
  7. C

    Sour crop - how long until it clears up?

    I have a hen with sour crop. She started acting off 4 days ago. 3 days ago I began giving her apple cider vinegar water and massaging her crop. Then 2 days ago she was still very squishy so I helped her purge a lot of her crop contents. She seemed to perk up after that. But the next morning...
  8. C

    Lethargic Hen - salmonella?

    An update! We brought her poop to a vet and it was clear. No parasites or anything else. They were able to do the analysis there. And then a vet came to the house to examine her. We have started her on Tylan and an antibiotic. She is already behaving the slightest bit better. She...
  9. C

    Lethargic Hen - salmonella?

    A note About her appearance: last year she had coccidiosis and was one of the roos favourites. Her back was already quite bare but after she got sick she has never been able to keep any new feathers that have come in. She hasn’t had a proper moult and I wonder if maybe she is moulting now and...
  10. C

    Lethargic Hen - salmonella?

    Thank you. I will try that tomorrow.
  11. C

    Lethargic Hen - salmonella?

    Thank you! I appreciate your reply. She is sleeping right now but I’ll take some pictures in the morning. She did lay a shell-less egg before she got sick. But she has had poops since so would she still be able to poop if she had a stuck egg?
  12. C

    Lethargic Hen - salmonella?

    I have a hen who is very lethargic and not eating much. We brought her in the house to try to get her to come around. She sleeps most of the day and we have been syringe feeding her water. She will eat a little bit if we coax her. When she does poop it’s pretty green but normal-ish. I’m...
  13. C

    Feather loss and not re-growing

    Hi there, I have a hen who is bald on her back and sides. The major feather loss started last February and we assumed it was being over bred. But around the same time several of my birds lost a lot of feathers after an extreme cold snap. Many of my hens have since started to moult and their...
  14. C

    Are all foot cuts bumbles?

    Thanks! That gives me some comfort. This hen doesn’t love to be handled too much.
  15. C

    Are all foot cuts bumbles?

    I have a hen who has a scab on the bottom of her foot. She is not limping. And I just finished treating two other hens for bumblefoot (which took about a month). Is it possible for them to just have a scab and it not be bumblefoot?
  16. C

    Broken beak: how long to recover?

    Just in case anyone comes across this post in the future, my boys beak seemed to recover in a week and a half. It literally popped off like a fake nail and a new shorter beak was underneath. He’s doing great.
  17. C

    Broken beak: how long to recover?

    Awww he is gorgeous. I’m glad he is fe Awwww, he is gorgeous. I’m glad he’s feeling better. Good to know it was a month or so. I never even thought the superglue wouldn’t hold after a while but that makes sense. Thanks for replying!
  18. C

    Broken beak: how long to recover?

    My rooster cracked his beak on the hardware cloth yesterday. I put super glue on it right away, and he slept a good chunk of the day today. He is eating and drinking now and seems ok. Does anyone have experience with a cracked beak? How long is the recovery time? Will it heal up or regrow...
  19. C

    Aggressive boys at bed time

    Thanks for that. I am concerned I’m going to become a slave to chicken bed time which for me is an issue but my husband seems to be ok with the thought so far. I’ll maybe start looking at building a bachelor pad solution as he really doesn’t want to rehome any of them. I appreciate your...
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