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    Solved Answering a question from Nifty-Chicken

    Where do I post an answer to Nifty-Chicken? He ask me how things were going and I don't know where to post the answer. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Being 81 years old, I don't move around on this computer much. Thanks
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    What's your flock's favorite treat?

    Besides hen scratch, mine love black oil sunflower seeds. I also give them some Kale from the garden. Good Luck with your project
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    What breed is your favorite in your flock?

    I have Rhode Island Reds and one Buff Orpington, named Gracie. She is my favorite. I give them a treat each evening when I let them out in the yard. When I open the shed door, she comes running and walks in and shows me where the treat bucket is. I have to be careful not to step on her as she...
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    What do Yours Eat?

    No, I don't shell them. I get them at the grocery store in the bird seed section. I think they are already shelled. At least the hens eat them and ask for more,;)
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    What do Yours Eat?

    Mine love the black oil sunflower seeds I toss out every evening around 6. Gracie, my Buff Orpington, even follows me into the shed and shows me where it is.
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    Three Beautiful trios for sale

    Where are you located? I would love to have a couple more Rhode Island Reds. I am in East Texas.
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    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    When I built my coop, it was for only three chickens. I told my two brothers and they too wanted chickens but their wives didn't want them. My wife didn't want chickens either. So I named my three Rhode Island Reds the names of our wives, Irene, Janet and Carol. I think everyone was actually...
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    Official BYC Poll: How Long Have You Been Keeping Chickens?

    I've had chickens about 5 years now. I built the coop to house only 3 or 4 hens. Not allowed to have chickens here. I got three hens from a moving sale. Rhode Island Reds. About a year later, one died, and a few months later another one died. I found another lady who was moving and bought 2 Buff...
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    Coop cleanliness

    I haven't seen anything on this, but I may have missed it. I don't get on here often. Has anyone used Kitty Litter under their roosts? I read the article about sand in the coop versus wood shavings and straw. Just curious about the Kitty Litter. Something that would keep the odor down and dry...
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    Allanwranch and BMarshall, I am in Onalaska. On Lake Livingston. I have black Astrolarps
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    Official BYC Poll: Where Did You Get Your Coop & Run From?

    I built my coop from free wood my son gave me. It is wood siding on a 2x3 frame. I only have three hens. It is 4 foot by 5 foot by about 5 feet tall. It is on 2 foot 4x4 legs and the run is cattle panel with chicken wire . The girls love it and a tornado didn't damage it, but a neighbors tree...
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    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Chickens Happy?

    Since the coop and run is close to my garden, I talk to them a lot. I also give them meal worms that I get at Tractor Supply. They love them .can see me coming with the bag, get all excited.
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    What is your favorite breed?

    I started with three Rhode Island Reds. Bought them at a moving sale. We are not supposed to have chickens here, so built a small coop and run for 3 hens. I don't know how old they were but in a couple of years they died off. Picked up three Buff Orpingtons from a lady that was moving to...
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    Do you consider your Chickens Pets or Livestock

    In the beginning they were for eggs only. But every time I go out there, they come running round for a treat. So Guess pets are in the conversation too. I can pet them and they seem to like it. I only have three Black Austrolorp.
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    Soft tip on eggs

    These hens are under one year old. I bought them from a guy that hatched them. They all look alike so it's tough to know which one it is. I may have to put colored bracelets on them to id them. Thanks for replying. I can't seem to get pictures to send on this old computer, but will keep trying.
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    Soft tip on eggs

    I have 3 Black Astralorpes and can't tell which one is laying these pointy eggs with the soft tip. Any idea what that is all about. They get good quality laying feed and I mix in a little oyster shell with it. the eggs are good just curious about the pointy end and it is a little sort on the...
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    flame80...............glad to see other deep east Texas chicken people coming in. We can keep each other posted on how to keep the coops cool in this oven we call East Texas. Welcome
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    Hey, Bmarshall61.... ....I'm on the other side of the lake in Onalaska. What kind of chickens do you have and do you have a lot of them?
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    Hello from East Texas.

    Thank ya'll for that warm welcome. I'm kinda slow with this computer, but will eventually get a post in now and then. Thanks again.
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