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  1. P

    My female goats suddenly smelling pen urine?

    Two does, sisters that are Nubian alpine cross. Born January 2020 I’ve had them since April. Very attached to me. started showing heat a couple months ago, meaning very ornery and bad. Loud screaming and lots of escaping their pen. On a hunch I decide to get a buckling, he’s a Nubian Kiko cross...
  2. P

    What breed are my little brown ducks?

    My only three Campbell’s. I have male and female Pekins for now
  3. P

    What breed are my little brown ducks?

    How can you tell? One has the solid dark head the other have dark around eyes and bill only
  4. P

    What breed are my little brown ducks?

    They were brown ducklings. The hardware store speculated they may be Campbell’s yet as adults they look like mallards. Tho they didn’t look like mallards as babies. their chests are quite dark, legs are orange and bills are dark. As ducklings both bills and legs were dark and they were a few...
  5. P

    My turkey poult was violently pecked/her butt!

    We don’t own a food scale, and she doesn’t seem to be losing weight. Just her vent is popped out and her poop oozes on a continuous drip. It’s been days now and she otherwise acts normal. But I know how fast poults can bite it. anythinb I should watch out for? She was ratty and ragged after the...
  6. P

    My turkey poult was violently pecked/her butt!

    My young poult was savaged by her incubator mates. Almost died. We separated her for a day then put her back in a different tote with different turkeys. Her vent is so swollen it sticks out and her poop only comes out in little liquid drops. The swelling and redness seems to go down. Does it...
  7. P

    New member

    Yes indeed. 🙂
  8. P

    New member

    First got chickens in February. I have a mixed flock of Amberlink, Wyandotte and a few oddballs. I’ve been reading these threads for months and now I want to join. I’m a male kid 30s with a 20 something wife and a young son. We have a small ranch dish here in Georgia.
  9. P

    Is 9 week old Cornish X hen at risk from roo?

    I have one Cornish X who is about 9 weeks. My Amberlink rooster keeps trying to mate her cuz he thinks she’s an Amberlink like him(he has hens same age as him.) Most data she runs and hides from him but today he caught her and had his way. She laid on the ground for awhile and only moved to hide...
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