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  1. W

    Quail pecking apart eggs

    It's soybean meal. I've read and heard of people adding to quail feed for extra protien. I've attached a pic of analysis. The extra calcium I give is also attached
  2. W

    Quail pecking apart eggs

    Ugh that sucks there go half of my breeder hens lol. Would hollowing out some eggs and filling with mustard or Tabasco work at all you think? I've seen that idea tossed around for chickens that are egg eaters and wondering if it would work for quail. Don't know if anyone has tried it with...
  3. W

    Quail pecking apart eggs

    Ugh that sucks because 1 was the culprit so I got rid of her but the others joined in so does that mean they all will keep doing it and I got to get rid of them too?
  4. W

    Quail pecking apart eggs

    My quail were laying really well and regularly up until a few days ago then I noticed it had stopped and would only get 1 egg for the 10 females. I then noticed under their tray that there was some broken shell and yolk so I figured they were eating the eggs. They get high protien turkey starter...
  5. W

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    I have 2 lavender orps and 3 silver laced orps that are about 7 weeks old now. I think they are all lovely ladies but I could be wrong so I thought I'd jump in here to get some thoughts from the eggsperts lol
  6. W

    Roos or hens? The great inquiry

    They sure are!!! Each has their own distinct peep and personality. I love watching their inquisitive nature their cute little dust baths and after a long day of outside, flopping on top of each other and passing out lol. This is my first flock of chickens and I Am so in love with all of them!!!
  7. W

    Roos or hens? The great inquiry

    Thanks guys!! Fingers crossed they're all pullets. I'd love a roo but cant right now as I'm still in the city. Hopefully that will change next year. They all seem to act like lil ladies so like you said time will tell.
  8. W

    Roos or hens? The great inquiry

    Hi everyone!! I've been lurking here for some time gathering tons of knowledge on starting my own flock. I've wanted to for quite a few years now and this year I took the plunge. I ended up getting 2 lavender orp chicks and 3 silver laced orp chicks. They are about 3 weeks old right now and my...
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