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  1. iclairedonaldson

    My Chicken Tarot project

    Hi! I'm trying to get this project out there to more folks who might be interested so here we are! I'm painting a chicken themed tarot deck and here is what I have so far: There's a Kickstarter going right now if anyone wants to help support by sharing or backing, I would very much appreciate...
  2. iclairedonaldson

    3 week chick closing one eye

    Update: chick is opening her eye and back to normal. In case anyone is looking for comparative experiences, in this case I believe she must have injured her eye (they had been outside so it's possible she scratched it or something, not sure) and the behavior was the result of her being...
  3. iclairedonaldson

    3 week chick closing one eye

    Hello everyone, Ive got a chick who up until yesterday evening was acting normal, and lively. But now I've noticed shes got one eye closed and doesn't seem very active at all. She's also been trilling pretty consistently in a way that makes me nervous, and doesn't seem able or interested in food...
  4. iclairedonaldson

    New brooder set up

    This is a really late reply, but I did remove the top of the kennel, cover it with chicken wire, and found a tripod to raise the lamp with. Chicks are currently looking good.
  5. iclairedonaldson

    New brooder set up

    Its 50 degrees outside where I live. 60 inside. We've been heating the room they're in to 70, and the temperature under their lamp is 87. They're 1 week old. I'll definitely try taking them out soon, so they feather out. They've seemed happy and energetic since I last posted, so I'm feeling much...
  6. iclairedonaldson

    New brooder set up

    I have a thermometer in the brooder and moved the front of the kennel so it could shine through from a little higher. The temperature there is reading 90. They seemed active throughout the day and lay under it while they sleep.
  7. iclairedonaldson

    New brooder set up

    Hello again! I posted yesterday about diagnosing the deaths if two chicks, and general consensus was that the space I gave them didn't leave any room for them to moderate their temperature. At first I adjusted the heat lamp, but their cheeping still seemed more plaintive than content, so I've...
  8. iclairedonaldson

    Help diagnosing baby chick deaths

    Thank you both. I've raised the lamp and I'm keeping an eye on them. They're poop seems pretty solid, not watery or foamy. When they're awake they seem pretty active, and are moving around the space more, but I'm still trying to gauge if they're sleeping more than they should. I haven't seen any...
  9. iclairedonaldson

    Help diagnosing baby chick deaths

    I know these are a bit blurry, but hopefully they help
  10. iclairedonaldson

    Help diagnosing baby chick deaths

    Hello! I'm new to raising chicks. I've raised two week old chicks in the past without any incident, so bought four chicks this year to raise for myself (the first two were being raised for my friend) Two have died, so I'm very worried about my remaining two, and want to diagnose the problem...
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