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  1. B

    Arkansas Chickens for Sale (or Free)

    I'm in Hot Springs, looking for bantam pullets. I have a Nankin rooster available, 1 year old.
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    Help with a very weak chick!

    I have a chick very similar and thought the same thing but have a stupid question--how on earth does a chick hatch too early? I can see an animal born early when the mother goes into labor but what causes a chick to crack its egg and head out when it's not completely ready? It has to do the...
  3. B

    Chick can't lift head

    Was curious how this turned out. I have one similar that I had to help from the egg.
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    Trouble hatching one breed

    I have no idea. They were purchased from a feed store three years ago.
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    Trouble hatching one breed

    We recently incubated a clutch of eggs and all went well except the three Columbian Wyandottes. The first pipped but made it no further. The second got about a nickel-sized hole and stopped fighting. I peeled back enough shell and membrane that it finally freed itself after several hours but...
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    Disease trifecta: hard abdomen

    My buff orp is in isolation. I started treating her for gleet several days ago because her butt feathers were a little messy. She had mites and I treated her for those. But she started doing the penguin shuffle, standing upright and acting uncomfortable. At first it was only on cold mornings and...
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    Full-flock treatment for gleet?

    Is there a treatment for gleet flock-wide? Several of my hens have it and the individual treatments I have tried (epsom baths, monistat, banixx, yogurt, oregano, ACV) have had zero response. Is there something I can distribute to the entire flock for treatment?
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    Help! Respiratory distress?

    Saw a one-week-old yesterday with his mouth open and wings slightly spread. I thought he was hot so I moved him away from the lamp. This morning it is clearly something else, looks like gasping for air. No rasping or rattling and still chirps. Body temp is good. What can I try? I dabbed on...
  9. B

    ISO male khaki campbell duck in Arkansas

    Oh, thank you, but that was a few years ago. Unfortunately we don't have ducks anymore.
  10. B

    Vent gleet JUST. NOT. IMPROVING.

    A few weeks ago I thought one of my hens had developed gleet: runny poop, matted feathers, stopped flying up to roost. I've had her inside, feathers trimmed back, bathed with epsom salt, been treating with miconazole and Banixx. There is zero improvement. Her vent actually looks good, no...
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    Egg is hatching--now what?

    My solitary Chinese goose egg is pipping. Now what? Mama is still on the nest she built in the back of my chicken coop. Once this hatches will I need to move them to isolation? I have a mobile tractor I can put them in to keep them on grass, but I can't move it if she's going to build another...
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    Is this a white-faced black Spanish?

    She is a dream. The most social of all my flock, very docile and gentle, calm but quietly chatty. I don't think she's a bantam but she is definitely small. Half the size of my other breeds. (She was supposed to be an australorp.) And loves heights, began flying much sooner than our other chicks.
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    Is this a white-faced black Spanish?

    Is this a white-faced black Spanish? Thank you.
  14. B

    What breed has a black comb?

    I have several Australorps and their combs are red.
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    What breed has a black comb?

    We rescued this chick as a hatchling, with no idea on breed. Now that he is several weeks old his comb is coming in and it's BLACK! I've only heard of a couple breeds with that and they were rare. Any idea what this guy is? The inside of his mouth is white, his legs are black. His only other...
  16. B

    French Maran gender

    I assume I have a hen (left) and roo (right)? I have another that looks just like the one on the right so I guess I got 2 roosters and a hen.
  17. B

    Fatal mystery illness, not respiratory

    Both were about 2 years old and had been good layers.
  18. B

    Fatal mystery illness, not respiratory

    I've had two chickens die in two months with nothing in common but lethargy. Both were a little over 2 years old and had been steady layers. I thought the New Hampshire Red had gleet. I brought her inside, began soaking her and treating with miconazole and giving Nutri Drench and apple cider...
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