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  1. M

    I saw you use DLM in a thread. I'm in illinois - pretty cold here too. I do DLM but my litter...

    I saw you use DLM in a thread. I'm in illinois - pretty cold here too. I do DLM but my litter is frozen under the roost bar where the poop is. I have been breaking up the clumps and adding small new layer. Coop is elevated 3'. There has been no issue with excess moisture - ammonia smell. Thoughts?
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    Cold Weather Chickens

    I'm in illinois - pretty cold here too. I do DLM but my litter is frozen under the roost bar where the poop is. I have been breaking up the clumps and adding small new layer. Coop is elevated 3'. There has been no issue with excess moisture - ammonia smell. Thoughts?
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    Cold Weather Chickens

    I am in northern illinois, about 45 minutes south of wisconsin. My run is covered with plastic with the exception of one spot for ventilation. So, there is no snow in the run. The coop is not heated and I have a little cross ventilation that does not blow on the girls as they roost. They all...
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    red, and a little crusty on her naked butt

    I have a red star who has been molting more than the rest of the girls. I noticed that she has been rather nakey in the seat of her pants, and assumed it was an unfortunate spot to molt. Today, she looks a little crusty in the butt as if someone dusted her with flour, and her tail feathers...
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    Comment by 'moxiemom6' in article 'Deep Litter Method - The Easiest Way To Deal With Chicken Litter'

    Thank you for posting. I use deep litter and everything that I have read states that you do not use diatomaceous earth (DE) in any compost setting. Composting depends on microorganisms and DE kills all that stuff.
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    Review by 'moxiemom6' in article 'Cold Weather Poultry Housing and Care'

    thanks for taking the time to write, and post this.
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    Vacation- leave coop door open at night?!

    You will need someone to collect eggs! If someone does that and checks water and feed, and you care confident that your run and coop are impervious to all things that eat chickens - I guess that would be OK.
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    How many chickens.............

    I got my girls from Murray McMurray too. I have 14 girls that are a little more than a year old. I get about 10 eggs daily as an average. You can look at what is a good laying breed and good for hot weather. I have "heavy breeds" for cold weather as I am in illinois. 50 chickens sounds like...
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    My Chicks all Died

    I have chcikens. One of the things that is noted as very important is to dip their beaks into water as you put them into the brooder. The idea is to watch that they take a drink after the dip (not dunk) to the water. Lack of water will kill them. I don't know about quail specifically but I...
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    winter is coming!!!

    What type of waterer do you use? Thank you for replying!
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    winter is coming!!!

    Thank you for the reply. My girls have always had a dish outside, and a waterer with cups in and outside the coop. Guess I can transition them to nipple waterer before it gets cold! They are certainly suspicious of change and slow to do it! What brand deicer/heater do you have? I only...
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    winter is coming!!!

    Is that a bucket that you put a heater into? I am in northern illinois. There are 14 chickens in the flock. Thanks for feedback!
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    winter is coming!!!

    Ha! Sorry to bring up the thought of cold weather! I'm in northern illinois and keeping water from being an ice cube was challenge! Mybe you will follow this thread and we can find out a thing or two to help put! Take care
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    winter is coming!!!

    Winter is coming and I would like to hear what you use to keep the water from freezing. Last year, I bought a heated waterer that was filled from the bottom and then you had to flip it over!!! I hated it. I drilled a hole through the top and used a cork to keep it from letting water overflow -...
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    What happened to the feathers

    They get along pretty good. I think a few feather have been pulled on a couple of the girls as loss was on their head or neck. I have plenty of space for them in the run and coop. Diet - layer feed and treats. The like all the dandelion leaves and flowers that I pull. Never saw a bunch of...
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    What happened to the feathers

    Alton Acres Thanks again for replying. She has not acted broody at all! I just have the one nest hugger to deal with! It would be nice if she laid an egg while she was hogging the favorite spot! Is it a bad thing for the chicken to be broody? It seems that the one I have lanquishes quite a...
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    What happened to the feathers

    Wow! I hadn’t seen that while she was standing and freaked when I happened to pick her up. Is this more a summer thing? When do the feathers grow back? I sure didn’t notice in winter . I do have one girl who likes who spends most of her day in a nest box. No one else acts broody. We toss her...
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