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  1. loohoo

    Hen with pinless peepers refuses to eat or drink?

    Thank you! I guess that does make sense! The others are secure in their places, she’s insecure because of her place. She was up on the roost tonight when I went out, so she’s figured out she can do that. I watched as the new girl made her way in, and the bully made her way across the roost bar...
  2. loohoo

    Hen with pinless peepers refuses to eat or drink?

    We have 3 hens that will be 4 years old in the spring. They are the OGs, and there has been peace and harmony in the flock for years. The top hen is fair and isn’t a bully, except if the hen on the bottom of the pecking order is injured (she hurt her leg jumping off the water bucket one summer...
  3. loohoo

    Young BR showed up overnight…pullet or cockerel?

    Thank you!! ❤️ That would be nice! Our other girls are older and don’t lay regularly anymore. We plan to get more chicks in the spring - this one just came a bit early! Lol
  4. loohoo

    Young BR showed up overnight…pullet or cockerel?

    Thank you!! Yes, it sure did! She’s a real sweetheart too! The kids named her Clover (as in 4-leaf clover) because she’s lucky she managed to survive on her own until she found us. 😊
  5. loohoo

    Young BR showed up overnight…pullet or cockerel?

    Thanks! I was thinking that myself, due to the size of the comb and no wattles but I wasn’t sure. I’m not too good at this guessing game! 😊 Yes, I’ll keep her separated!
  6. loohoo

    Young BR showed up overnight…pullet or cockerel?

    I took the dog out first thing this morning, and there was a chicken trying desperately to get into our run with our chickens. It’s not ours and no one around us has chickens! 😳 The moment it saw me, it came running and let me just pick it up. He/she is currently quarantined in our garage, but...
  7. loohoo

    Loss of vent feathers, swollen abdomen, slight labored breathing - ascites?

    It’s been a few months now, but I took your advice - returned her to the flock, and let her be. She ended up perking up, abdomen went down a lot, and she was back to her old self. I was shocked! She then immediately went through a HARD molt, and now that that’s done, she is on the downward slope...
  8. loohoo

    What is this in my hen’s poop? (Picture)

    I have Lincomycin, to be added to water. I’m afraid leaving her to her own devices, she won’t drink enough for it to be effective. I’d like to syringe it into her beak, but have no idea of an appropriate way to dose this, to do it this way. Any ideas?
  9. loohoo

    Loss of vent feathers, swollen abdomen, slight labored breathing - ascites?

    Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate it. I made another post today as I’ve had her inside last night and really had the time to monitor her closely, so there’s a bit different info…however, probably the same outcome. Abdomen is definitely firm instead of squishy..maybe egg...
  10. loohoo

    What is this in my hen’s poop? (Picture)

    I posted yesterday about my 3y/o Barred Rock presenting with distended abdomen, squishy crop, and some labored breathing yesterday. She spent the night inside, and I’ve been very closely monitoring her. I have some different observations, after having the time to really observe her. No water or...
  11. loohoo

    Loss of vent feathers, swollen abdomen, slight labored breathing - ascites?

    I have a 3 y/o Barred Rock hen that is in obvious discomfort, and there’s something really wrong. For the past month, I noticed she has lost a lot of vent/bottom feathers, the skin is slightly red, but not too bad. Up until yesterday she was acting completely normal, so I just sort of wrote it...
  12. loohoo

    Hen With Possible Sprain

    Thank you so much! There is bruising and swelling around her hock joint today, about 28 hours after she injured the leg. I appreciate your post, very helpful! The worst part is the timing...we're leaving for a week here in about 13 days. 😣 We're home all year practically and then someone goes...
  13. loohoo

    Hen With Possible Sprain

    This morning there is bruising and swelling around the hock joint area. She did try to take 2 steps when I took her out to asess the leg this morning... very much limping/kind of hopping, and then just laid down. She is eating, however!
  14. loohoo

    Hen With Possible Sprain

    Hi all! I've got a 2 year old hen who injured her leg this morning. My husband saw her jump off the water bucket and immediately begin flapping/flopping around, unable to walk. I brought her in and after laying for a bit on her side with her one leg curled up, she got up and began walking...
  15. loohoo

    Lost our first hen today...looking for insights 😞

    I wanted to add, I really don't know if it happened last night or this morning. Their coop is inside their run, and they put themselves in at night. I don't know if she didn't go in with them last night, and passed during the night, or if she came out with them this morning and passed. Not sure...
  16. loohoo

    Lost our first hen today...looking for insights 😞

    I found Franny, one of our Buff Orpingtons, who was about 1.5 years old, passed away today laying just under the hanging bucket feeder. She was laying down as they do normally when they're resting, with her legs tucked under her, and her neck outstretched. There didn't seem to be anything wrong...
  17. loohoo

    Is this OK for broody jail?

    Thank you!! This afternoon she will have been in there for 24 hours, so I'll follow your advice and keep her in there until tomorrow afternoon...making it 48 hours, before letting her out to see how she does. She doesn't seem to be puffing up and growling at the other girls when they come up to...
  18. loohoo

    Is this OK for broody jail?

    Thank you! That's smart, I'll keep that in mind for future use. We put a board through the bars of the cage last night for her, which she did use...but that's even easier. 👍
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