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  1. Sphinx

    Super weird egg!

    You all came up with great ideas too late. I went out to get it and found this. (So glad I have an automatic chicken door).
  2. Sphinx

    Super weird egg!

    Omg. Cutting it open sounds like a better idea than leaving it outside to see if a critter eats it. BRB.
  3. Sphinx

    Super weird egg!

    Ive been keeping chickens more than ten years and this is a first for me. This was in my coop today. Two totally normal eggs. One egg that had a sandpaper texture (had that happen but not often) and then the other nightmare. Some of my hens are quite geriatric, (like 8-9 years old) but none...
  4. Sphinx


    Wow, that's a lot to deal with; I'm so sorry Cynthia. I think Alzheimer's is the scariest thing out there. I primarily only hatch chickens for the local schools, or if someone asks me to. I still have a pretty magic touch with that. I love hatching for others because I get to see all of the...
  5. Sphinx


    Blast from the past here! I feel bad that I've been MIA for a while. Too much life coming at me, I guess. For the newbies, I live in Davis county. I used to have acreage and lots of chickens, now I'm in surburbia and have 7 chickens (the legal limit). I have 2 FBCM (though they're both very...
  6. Sphinx

    My Hatch cam is live!

    Update: 4 of the 8 have hatched. Egg 5 has pipped. Egg 6 is tapping away and chirping (I felt it when I rearranged the chaos that Chick #4 created when it hatched) Eggs 7 and 8 haven't pipped yet, but we are 3 days early. These guys are silkies, which tend to hatch a little early in my...
  7. Sphinx

    My Hatch cam is live!

    I have a batch of silkies hatching today. One has already hatched. One is zipping right now (8:49am MDT) and two more are pipped. There's a total of 8 (though the hatched chick is off to the brooder)...
  8. Sphinx


    I stumbled on Poultry-palooza (I was supposed to be going to an event next door) and wandered in. It was so great! You put on a great event, iPickYupik. I was especially excited because I got to see cemanis in person for the first time ever.
  9. Sphinx


    Miss you Sundancenbare! You used to accidentally call me nearly every day. I miss hearing from you! Please call me (for real) when you get back so we can visit!
  10. Sphinx


    I'm baaaaaaaaack! I'm sorry I ghosted. It's just not as interesting when I can't do all of my mad scientist breeding stuff, and only can have six hens. I still have the six I whittled down to when I moved two years ago. (2 FBCM, 2 OE, 1 EE and 1 always broody silkie) I have a friend who lives...
  11. Sphinx


    Does anyone in Davis or Weber county have hatching eggs? I'm supposed to start a hatch today for a local school and my supplier fell through. I'd be happy to give the chicks back if you have valuable stock that you don't want to give up.
  12. Sphinx


    Blast from the past! Things with my chickens have been so boring that I haven't had anything to say. I did get solar powered lights for supplemental lights this year, which has been an interesting experiment. I think I need more because on gray days like this, the lights are dim at night and...
  13. Sphinx


    The center one is definitely a boy. I am not ready to call the other two pullets, but I feel better about them.
  14. Sphinx


    Yeah, the blue is DEFINITELY a boy. With your blacks, I see one definite cockerel.
  15. Sphinx


    I'm pretty darn good at sexing fbcm, so if you want to take a picture of your batch, I'll do my best. I do notice that the boys get the copper coloring early, and their combs do get bigger quicker.
  16. Sphinx


    I actually have a humane trap. It still smells a bit skunky from my last adventures, but I think I'm going to set it out tonight. I will be locking my remaining hens in their coop for the time being.
  17. Sphinx


    Be really careful. Most of the "work at home" jobs are total scams. I used to work for O'Currance and they offered telecommuting. I think that Jet Blue also allows reservationists to work from home. Sundancen, that pony is just the cutest thing ever. I am...
  18. Sphinx


    Sundance, I hope you have a nice, relaxing drive back. Maybe take your time and do some touristy stuff. Lisa, what's your OE mix? I'm hatching some OE for a preschool right now. Brian, with that fan in there, it may be more of a forced air than still air. I'd mess with the temperatures and...
  19. Sphinx


    I'm back! I think my life is calmed down enough to where I can be a more constant presence here. I finished remodeling the HUD home we bought in October and we moved in back in January. My chicken coop is almost complete here, and then I'll move most of my chickens over. I'm hopefully posting my...
  20. Sphinx


    Sundancen, I've missed you too! Maybe I'll have to break away from house renovations and visit you before you go to Mesa. I'm glad to hear you're going there for the winter. I think that will be so great for you! Six chicks is fun, Lisa! SOmeday it would be even funner to hatch a couple dozen...
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