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    4.5 month Rooster with diarrhea. Please Help

    4.5 month Barenecked Too. Started with loose stools and vomited 5 days ago. Thought he was ingesting too many mealworms... Cut back on the protein, but today he has very loose stools again. he did go a bit overboard when I gave them some grain today. My Hens all seem fine. Am I overthinking...
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    Heat Stress and ants in Arizona

    Trying to protect my 4 month old babies From the 115 degree heat. I have set up their 6' x12' run under a shade tree, covered with breathable shade cloth, a fan near their perch, and a misting system too keep it cool. This worked well until the ants moved in (all of 24 hours) Black ants in...
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    My neighbor has a Rooster, whom I love listening to, I am grateful to have him. He lets us know when falcons and hawks are circling in our Very urban downtown Phoenix neighborhood, protecting that only his chickens, but the small dogs in the neighborhood as well. I just discovered that my...
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    Hello Everyone

    3 days ago I welcomed eight pullets and to my family. They're 2 months old, mostly Wyandottes. I'm new to raising chickens, and I'm very happy to have found this forum.
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