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  1. chiclet

    8 week Bantam Easter Egger Cockerel

    I've got a beautiful bantam Americauna Cockerel to give to a good home. He's gonna be beautiful when he grows up.... Hatched at home; egg from "My Pet Chicken" Alexandria, VA Call 703-869-9311
  2. chiclet

    Cochin died of unknown causes...

    this isn't an emergency. My 1 yr old cochin was fine when i let her out at 6 this morning. At 7, she was in the laying box. At 9, she was dead on the coop floor?!!! I had been worried about how she was going to deal with the extreme heat this summer (Virginia). It's been in the high 90's. She...
  3. chiclet

    Review by '' on item 'Old English Game Bantam'

    My OEGs have been very vocal, friendly, and fearless. One got a little too bossy for me, and had to move to another coop. No problem with the others. Willingly fly up to me to be petted and loved on.
  4. chiclet

    Review by '' on item 'Japanese'

    Definitely get these girls again.
  5. chiclet

    She's Crowing?!

    She's a bantam Old English. She comes into my office with me on cold or wet days, and just sits at my desk. Never causes trouble; Alwaysa wants lovin'. .. Is there something i should do?
  6. chiclet

    She's Crowing?!

    She's second in command. At least, that's what she's always been....
  7. chiclet

    She's Crowing?! What is happening with my sweet little Sparkle? She's been laying for about 18 months now, and this started today?! I dont know how to turn the video. Just 'cock' your head to the right...
  8. chiclet

    What happens when you let your kids name the chickens?

    The first two I can live with, but ChAINSAW????? i hear ya, nonny. i've got one named..."sandpaper"????! unfortunatly, with the second batch, i was determined that we wouldn't name them until they showed some sort of personality trait. 9 months later, and we're still calling them 'Polish'...
  9. chiclet

    growing grasses in winter

    What kind of grasses, etc do you grow for your chickens in winter? i want to start something, but dont know what is best.
  10. chiclet

    Bantam egg cartons

    does anyone know where to get them?
  11. chiclet

    Depressed Chicken

    hmm, jjthink, i'll consider separating her. and try the rescue remedy thing. Again, today, she is the only one still on the roost. Then again, it's cold and rainy out, where the rest of the hens are hanging. Maybe she's the smart one.
  12. chiclet

    Depressed Chicken

    i really think she's fine physically. pooping, and eating (separately) all look normal. She hasn't started laying yet. i'm a city dweller. 5 chickens are our limit. i didn't think chickens could tell their breeds were different. I figure, a chicken just knows it's like the other chickens...
  13. chiclet

    Depressed Chicken

    Hi- I think i have a depressed chicken on my hands. She's a 5 month old Cochin, and came into the flock as a new born, with 3 others. I have 2 older girls that are the head honchos. Everyone's a bantam, except Cochin. She's a BIG girl, and looks like baby huey beside the others. Cochin is at the...
  14. chiclet

    Before and....AFTER!!

    Here's my favorite girl Sparkle. as a chick PYT her first molt As an adult, at work in my office. obviously, she favors her left side....
  15. chiclet

    Lethargic, droopy head, doesnt want to walk, eats little

    I dont see any signs of mites, lice or fleas. She has never been wormed. Should i worm them while she's sick? I have wazine...
  16. chiclet

    Lethargic, droopy head, doesnt want to walk, eats little

    This morning, she was fine. When i came home a few hours later, i found her sitting beside the water trough, with her head resting on it. Her vent was protruded and drippy. I watched her for a while, and out popped an egg/. (So i know she's not egg-bound) She's never laid an egg "in public"...
  17. chiclet

    just some photos

    SandPaper, my bantam, likes hiding in my bike basket... "Whacha doing?"
  18. chiclet

    Northern VA: give away 14 month O.E. Hen & 5 week old Buff Brahma

    I am giving away my 14 month Old English Game banty hen, because she's a mean little thing, and pecks the hell out of my new chicks. She pecks me too. Time for her to find a new home. She's a good egg layer, and very healthy, and will sit for petting, if she's feeling it. I'm also giving away a...
  19. chiclet

    Northern VA: give away 14 month O.E. Hen & 5 week old Buff Brahma

    I am giving away my 14 month Old English Game banty hen, because she's a mean little thing, and pecks the hell out of my new chicks. She pecks me too. Time for her to find a new home. She's a good egg layer, and very healthy, and will sit for petting, if she's feeling it. I'm also giving away a...
  20. chiclet

    Chick is limping...

    Very small order. Just 4 little babies... I hope your right.
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