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  1. ampouet

    Day 20.

    I just meant they were shipped under 85F and they all hatched!
  2. ampouet

    Day 20.

    Mine started to peep between day 19 and day 22, they were all shipped eggs and they all hatched even if they were carried under 85 degrees. Let us know how it goes! :fl
  3. ampouet

    Another wry neck - 5 months old Silkie Smooth

    Hi everyone, My 5 months old Silkie had a wry neck when she was around 2 months, and here we go again, I woke up 3 days ago and noticed her neck was starting to twist a little bit and 2 days ago it was definitely a wry neck again. When she was 2 months old, I treated her with vit E + selenium...
  4. ampouet

    Silkies sexing

    Yea, Orpi is a cockerel for sure, he started to crow (not sure it's the right way to say it), yesterday, just after a rooster far away did ; probably tried to imitate him! I love Fluffy so much, he/she has a wry neck right now but almost fixed after 12 days! :fl
  5. ampouet

    Silkies sexing

    Thanks so much! Haha, yea Fluffy is a mix for sure, but which one? I asked the owner/egg seller and she never replied ; he/she has 5 fingers for sure but doesn't look like a Silkie. Orpi is exactly the same age, he did a cockerel singing (sorry I'm French so there's probably a better way to...
  6. ampouet

    Silkies sexing

    Hi everyone, So my chicks are 2 months and 10 days old now, and I'm not sure but all I can see - except for one (Kira) is "cockerels"! Am I wrong? Just so you know, Orpi is an Orpington, Fluffy is a mix between a Polish (I guess??) and a Silkie, and the other ones are Silkies. Here are some...
  7. ampouet

    ISO Brahma hatching eggs

    Oh I thought you were expecting hatching eggs! Well then let us know when you find some and when they hatch :))
  8. ampouet

    ISO Brahma hatching eggs

    Hey there! Did they hatch yet?
  9. ampouet

    Something attached to newly hatched chick's leg??

    It should just come off by itself at some point. How is your chick doing?
  10. ampouet

    Staggered hatch

    I was in the exact same position 2 months ago - they all hatched. I raised the humidity up to 65% - 70%, stop turning everyone not to decrease the humidity and it worked super well for them all!
  11. ampouet

    Orpington - Pullet or cockerel?

    They are so difficult to sex. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow!
  12. ampouet

    Orpington - Pullet or cockerel?

    Haha thank you! I had a strong feeling he was a cockerel but I literally wanted him to be a pullet!!! :barnie Do you think you could tell for 8 weeks old silkies? Or is it too soon/hard to know?
  13. ampouet

    Orpington - Pullet or cockerel?

    Hi everyone! So I have 9 chicks, including 1 orpington and 8 silkies who are turning 8 weeks old tomorrow. It might be too early for the silkies but what do you think about this orpi? Is it a pullet or a cockerel? It's my favorite, he/she's super gentle and loves to be cuddled (to be honest I...
  14. ampouet

    First timer

    Following too!
  15. ampouet

    First Chick 🐥

    Congrats! He/she's so adorable! 🥰
  16. ampouet

    First pip!

    Just an update for who might be interested: . #1 died after more than 24 hours 😢 . #2, 3 and 4 are doing great - see videos attached!
  17. ampouet

    First pip!

    There's progress! #3 and #4 are super active, eating and trying to drink (trying, they don't really get it yet). #2 is doing much better, he's back with the others, resting mainly but he ate a little bit. #1 now seems the weakest, he's mainly sleeping and didn't eat yet. I tried to give him...
  18. ampouet

    First pip!

    Hi there! So the 4 eggs are born yesterday! 🥰 . First one at 7 am . Second one at 2 pm . Third at 4:30 pm . Forth at 1 am I put them in their box under a heating plate right before going to bed. They looked healthy yesterday but when I woke up this morning, I thought the second one was...
  19. ampouet

    First pip!

    Hm, I don't want to be a super-anxious-person but ok, I am right now. It's been 13 hours since the first pip and almost 7 hours since the 2nd. Is it ok ? Should I do something or just observe? :barnie
  20. ampouet

    Day 16 no movement

    Good luck on your hatch! :fl :jumpy
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