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  1. C

    Molt - Soft Shell Eggs

    Molt question: I know the molt can cause a decrease in egg production but can it cause soft/no shell eggs? Our 2 one year old hens are going through the molt (not a hard molt) and eggs have decreased but I've found a big wet spot in the nesting box a couple times this week and was pretty sure...
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    Sick Hen

    She fought for about a month. She would have bad days and good days. I kept her inside for a week, and she seemed to be feeling better so we put her back with her sisters but after another week she wouldn't leave the coop. I brought her back inside where she stayed until june 23rd. She got to...
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    Official BYC Poll: How Is Your Run Covered?

    When we bought our house, the roof was just chicken wire, we have since expanded the run and topped it with hardware cloth. Before this past winter I built the trusses for a solid roof but decided to go with a heavy duty tarp temporarily and it has worked out great for the past 9 months...
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    Sick Hen

    She is low in the pecking order, but I have not witnessed her being bullied at all. It's just her and her two sisters in their pen. I saw her at the feeder and waterer this morning. She does tend to stay off by herself. Even when I let them out in the backyard, she typically stays on the patio...
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    Sick Hen

    One of our girls is not feeling well 😔 the last few days, we've noticed she stands in one spot under the coop and sleeps most of the day. She gets up and comes to the door when I go out but as soon as I'm back inside she goes back to her spot. I have moved her inside to monitor her eating and...
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    Keeping rain out of coop

    I know this is a long shot but thought I would ask here. Is there any kind of window mesh or fabric that allows airflow but blocks blowing rain? I'm about finished with my coop build and we've had alot of storms recently. Our normal hard rain isn't getting into the coop but we had a bad storm...
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    Eating bedding!

    Our chicks are 6 wks old and have been on the mini flake pine bedding. Tonight I switched them to the large flake bedding (all they had at the feed store) and they went crazy eating it 😳 am I freaking out for nothing? My chick anxiety is the worst 😂 we did the same thing (mini flake and then...
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    Brooder setup!

    Get some press & seal to put on the top of the heat plate. Its a game changer!
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    Favorite Roofing?

    Good info. Thank you! Here is the coop I designed in sketchup. Its 4x8 and has lg windows on all walls so in the summer it will be almost fully open and have plenty of ventilation. In the winter all the windows will be closed but there are vents at the top of the side walls that will remain open...
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    Favorite Roofing?

    I'm changing my mind about the roof on the coop I'm building (this is the 1,836,163th time I've changed this design). Now I'm thinking about doing either metal or polycarbonate roofing instead of shingles. I don't think I'm going to use plywood underneath, just hardware cloth. Will probably add...
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    Pallet boards for Roofing?

    Wondering if anyone has used pallet boards as the roof on a coop and then shingled those?🤔 trying to figure out a cheaper route than having to buy two more sheets of plywood as lumber is ridiculous right now.
  12. C

    Nesting Box Airflow

    Does anyone have windows or some kind of openings in their exterior nesting boxes? I live in TX where the summers are miserable. I'm designing and building a 4x8 coop with lots of windows for airflow but I'm worried about them sitting in the boxes to lay and getting hot. Wondering if anyone else...
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    Draft Prevention

    Thank you! That's what I was thinking about doing, just didn't know if that would be enough ventilation.
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    Draft Prevention

    I live in North Texas so cold weather isn't a huge concern most of the time, however, the next few days and going into Jan/Feb we will be looking at possible freezing temps. I want to prevent drafts but also leave plenty of ventilation and I need help in deciding what to cover and what to leave...
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    Sprouting treats for chickens

    I'm wanting to start sprouting something for my girls during the winter, but I don't know where to get the seeds. Does anyone have a good place to get sprouting seeds that's not super pricey?
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    Brooder plate recommendations?

    We are only getting three chicks. We live in town and are limited on how many chickens we can have. I originally planned to only have the 3 we got back in March but....chicken math makes me want more 😂
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    Brooder plate recommendations?

    I would like to get a brooder plate for my next round of chicks rather than a heat lamp. Does anyone have recommendations? I saw this one on amazon and posted about it in a facebook group but haven't gotten any feedback. Anyone using this one?
  18. C

    Comment by 'Crobinson08' in article 'Cozy Cottage Coop'

    Absolutely love this. I bookmarked it for future reference. We are in Texas (further north than Houston) and I am designing a 4x6 coop for our three girls. I've been trying to figure out how to do some open walls for the summer and still be able to close them up during the winter. I love the...
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    Fowl Pox - vitamins?

    Here's a couple of pictures showing some of the little white bumps. Two just have a couple on their waddles and one on the comb, and the last one has a spot below her ear. I put a packet of the vitamins in their waterer this morning and I have ordered the rooster booster, nutridrench, and...
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    Fowl Pox - vitamins?

    I only have three hens right now. I use a 5 gallon bucket with the cups as a waterer. Do you change it out everyday? And do you give it all the time or just occasionally?
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