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  1. Nigel27

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Thank you. The cock is legbar with red leakage so I'm assuming it has some isa or RIR but a great laying breed. The hens I have, some are fibro and some are easter eggers, don't lay very consistently. So I'm just wondering what egg production genes are dominant. Will these offspring have the...
  2. Nigel27

    Quail broody's

    I don't know if this was noted but I've read that long grass or hay is almost necessary to have them go broody.
  3. Nigel27

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Hello, I'm upping my egg production by putting a legbar over my mixed flock and hatching the eggs. I'm wondering if low egg production is linked to blue egg genes or fibromel genes?
  4. Nigel27

    What did you do in the garden today?

    It's spring break! So I started celery, onions, leeks, peppers, tomatoes, merigolds and true potato seed from my rainbow potatoes last year. Don't know which ones fruited so I'm excited to see what I get. I saved a lot of seeds last year but need to learn how to save onions, leeks, and celery...
  5. Nigel27

    Looking to Rehome a Rooster - South Florida

    What are they going to do if you don't get rid of it? I had a CO come to tell me I needed an electric fence, gave me a time sensitive "ticket" the ticket was only a suggestion in the form of a scary looking ticket, nowhere did it state that I would be penalized if I didn't comply. No one ever...
  6. Nigel27

    When do you remove eggs from a broody?

    You can make a little cage to go over their food that only they can get through, I've used a gnarly branch so only the chicks have easy access. And broadcast the food so everyone has a chance/multiple feeders.
  7. Nigel27


    They definitely look like three barred hens to me. The barred gene is dominant so hard to know if they're actually Plymouth rock but if that's what you were told chances are thats what they are. They look the part.
  8. Nigel27

    What's the temperature where you are???

    -12c brr, in BC
  9. Nigel27


    Hunlen falls is in my backyard, it's such an amazing hike. It's one of the tallest falls in BC. I really want to do it again but canoe the lake chain this time. I don't have my pictures but yall should look it up. My friend posted a cool video on youtube of a bunch of our hikes a few years back...
  10. Nigel27

    what seasonings/extras to add to feed to make it more nutritious?

    It was great, I really enjoy hearing this stuff!
  11. Nigel27

    quail with chickens

    Always possible when mixing anything, including the same species. So you might end up with a weird little mixed flock. You might end up with squished quail or maybe you'll end up with a hybrid! Lol unlikely but that's how these things happen, in an unnatural man made setting.
  12. Nigel27

    quail with chickens

    A smaller chicken would be better, I would recommend having it hatch a few days later if you're going to do it. Have you thought of different types of quail or pheasants?
  13. Nigel27

    what seasonings/extras to add to feed to make it more nutritious?

    I have been wondering the same thing. So I've been boiling up all of the less than perfect specimens that don't end up in my tea or tincture, and soaking their food with it. It's been a week or two, strong tea with g. Applanatum, fomes fomentarius and tramettes versicolor. More hens have started...
  14. Nigel27

    Canadians check in here....

    Our fox problem has improved but I think it's due to the increase in wolf population. Luckily they're too big to squeeze through the electric fence. Worried about my dogs though and everything else outside the efence.
  15. Nigel27

    Trixie the Americana stopped laying, moves painfully, wobbles and no appetite

    The antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal (I know lol) properties of mushrooms could help your hen. Ganoderma applanatum, tramettes versicolor, chaga, the other ganodermas etc, made into tea and used to drench feed can be really beneficial to healthy and unhealthy creatures. Many can be foraged...
  16. Nigel27

    Coffee Club

    Good morning, mmm my mom gifted me some locally roasted coffee yesterday.
  17. Nigel27

    One for a nutritionist

    I can guess but I'd rather get the specs and give you a better answer. What are the specifics? Daily recommended intake percentages or levels? None of those ingredients are harmful to chickens. The protein ratio needed for cats is higher than chickens. This protein sounds like better quality...
  18. Nigel27

    Pest or darkling beetles+mealworms?

    what zone are you in? Is the coop outside? I'd have to use a heat mat to keep them alive in the winter.
  19. Nigel27

    Pest or darkling beetles+mealworms?

    Update please!
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